
Friday, August 20, 2021

The Gospel of white fascism (Part 56)...Charlie Wilson's War, The Taliban's "takeover" of Afghanistan, universal signs, "9 ether" energy and the DMX "sacrifice"...

 “In order to really win a game, you have to control both teams.”

—David Icke

“…you should be prejudiced, ‘cause they (white people) only respect people who don’t like them.”

—Bobby Hemmitt, Master Metaphysician and scholar

"If we can't run it, we'll wreck it." 

-author unknown

"We gon' break out this Matrix and take family home."

-Sa Roc, Nubian sista emcee

To the consistent (and patient) readers of this Blog: Family…rather than apologizing profusely about the dearth of posts here as of late, I figured I’d start this editorial from a more unorthodox place—which’ll consist of amending the last publishing on this blog.

Now, seeing as how my last post dealt with the subject of Earl Simmons’ (DMX’s) untimely demise, I was gonna’ add an addendum to what I’d written previously, but then I thought it’d be best to include the new info. here in the wake of one particularly revelatory coincidence dealing with my “crisis of consciousness” or the next steps in my spiritual journey/awakening.

So fam, in my last post I’d written about my conflicting “consciousness” which led me to an extended leave of absence here, but I need to confess how in the last months, I’ve still been debating about whether or not I’ll defer to my spiritual pursuits in lieu of my convictions to “Black Nationalism” (BN). 

With this said, a coupla’ weeks back, I was at a train depot about to catch an Amtrak outta’ town, while still being in the midst of a quandary about giving my full attention to my spiritual practices—mind you, I was looking for a sign to help me with my decision, when I just happened to be sitting next to a traveler’s cubicle and a bus pulled up in front of me baring the license plate you see in the pic below (You can click on the pic to make it larger). Needless to say, I was immediately taken aback. Now, you might be thinkin’, bruh, what’s the big deal? It’s just a license plate wit’ a bunch o’ letters and numbers like any other. Nah fam, this one’s different, lemme show you why. 

First off, if you look at the license plate number, it reads “OYA9333”—now again, you might be thinking, yeah, okay, and? Well, “OYA” is an “Orisha” deity (depicted in the first pic of the triptych) and this spiritual entity deals with weather "manipulation". Moreover, she's not only one of the most powerful goddesses in the Yoruba spiritual systems, but she’s the basis for the Marvel character, “Storm”, which is depicted in the mid-section of the pic display. On top of this fam, the numbers of this license plate just knocked me out—and let me expound on why…

Not only are there “33” degrees of freemasonry (corresponding to the 33 vertebrae of the spine, leading to the pineal gland), but there’s a degree above this, which is the 33 and a third degree. Also, if you add up or multiply the three 3’s, you’ll get 9, add this to the other 9 and you’ll get “18”—mind you, in numerology, you add any two numbers together, so then you’re left with another “9”—meaning, 9+9=18, and 1+8=9. Also, 9x9=81, so here’s another 1 and 8 combo adding up to “9”. After I picked my jaw up off the floor, I took a picture of this license plate to document the moment.

So fam, I asked the universe for a sign, and here it was—the “ethers/netchru” were telling me I should definitely keep the majority of my focus on my spirituality and spiritual practices.

Now, I guess I should’ve been jubilant, but I got profoundly depressed y’all—here’s why, BN has not only defined a large part of my life, but it’s gotten me through some pretty tumultuous times, ‘cause it kept my “belly fire” fueled. Meaning, it was the inspiration for not only this blog, but for gathering the info. I use(d) as a shield to not only comfort me, but to keep so much of the self-loathing conditioned into me by this white fascist social order at bay. When I found out my ancestors were the “universal indigenous” of this planet and they created ALL the arts and sciences—it allowed me to poke my chest out and keep my chin up, in a way I couldn’t dream of decades ago. Now, it seemed like all this was over.

Later, I thought of another female deity/goddess/netcher—and this was MA’AT (pic below to the right of DMX). Mind you, the reason she popped into my head is because of what she represents— MA’AT is where we get the word “mother” from, and “MA’AT NETCHER” (coming from the “Medu Netcher”) is where the term “mother nature” comes from (OYA) and this deity deals with “balance”. Now, MA’AT is the mythological mother who weighs your heart on a scale to see if it’s “light as a feather” so you can enter into heaven—and this is where whitey got the idea of “Lady Justice” from. Only whitey’s Lady Justice is blind-folded and her scales are off balance. Anyway, this deity seemed to answer the question of what I needed most, balance. Meaning, what’s most important for me is to give as much time to my spiritual practices, as I was to BN—so in essence, it doesn’t have to be “either or”, it can be “both and”.

This is when I breathed a sigh of relief and got the initiative to return to this blog.

Mind you, when I got this “sign” fam, the emcee DMX had just passed—and remember what I said about all the “9’s” I saw in my universal “sign”? Welp, this directly corresponded with the “9 ether” energy so prevalent at the time. Now, 9 ether energy is said to be the highest of all spiritual powers manifested through melanin, which is equal to nine to the power of nine—PURE BLACKNESS, which is the highest of all supreme mathematics. So, what does this have to do with our beloved brotha DMX? Welp, check this out…

DMX died on April 9th, the same day as “Prince” Philip (pic to the left of DMX) who just happened to be 99 years old. Also, DMX’s death was rumored to be a “sacrifice” for “Lil’” gay, I mean, “Lil’ Nas X”--and mind you, Nas X, was born on April 9th, 1999. Coincidence? Hmmmm…

With all this said family, I wanna’ let y’all know there’s a bunch of belated points I need to make on past events before I can expound on what’s happening now—so, like I mentioned earlier, I’m gonna’ ask for a little mo’ leniency from you whilst I play catch up. So, here I go again hurtlin’ into the hustles of white fascism with the intent of expounding and exposing the inbreds agenda to exterminate the world’s greatest civilizing force—the BLACK MAN AND WOMAN! Also, I must say, once again, to the intrepid souls who cared enough to check back on this forum from time to time, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, and THANK YOU! I promise your efforts will not be in vain!

—MontUHURU Mimia

Now family, once again I find myself about to apologize for being a bit disingenuous in regards to my aforementioned concerns about needing to expound on “older” topics. Meaning, I planned to talk about Bill Cosby’s exoneration and release but current events are willing me away from this topic, and this is why Bill's featured in this post’s header, in case y'all are wondering. So, without further delay, let’s go ALL THE WAY IN fam…

When you read George Crile’s book “Charlie Wilson’s War” (left), which describes how the “playboy” congressman from Texas, Charlie Wilson, nick-named “good-time Charlie”, got several friends with deep pockets, along with their co-horts in the CIA to fund the “mujahedeen” during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, you’ll discover how these types of “ops”, as well as the same types of funding and armaments of similar mujahedeen rebels in the 80’s and 90’s, is what created groups like the “Taliban” and “Al Qaeda”.

Meaning what? In laymen’s terms fam, it means the “Taliban” and “Al Qaeda” are inventions of the CIA!

Now, once again family, I beseech you not to take my word for any of this—PLEASE GO DO YOUR OWN REASEARCH, so you can see this for yourself. Moreover, this fact is further evidenced by the movie made about this book called, “Charlie Wison’s War” in 2007 starring Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts.

So fam, as we see Afghanistan “falling” under the control of the Taliban, and Joe Biden being portrayed as the scapegoated reason why America’s troops are being pulled outta’ the country, I need y’all to understand what’s really going on. The reason Joe ordered America’s military outta’ Afghanistan is ‘cause the “mission” was accomplished—meaning, white fascists have seized total control of this country.

I liken this to Haiti’s recent presidential assassination and earthquake—meaning, investigators found out two of President Jovenel Moise’s assassins were American citizens and the Haitian earthquake happened on August 14th—the same date which marked the Bois Caiman ceremony, which kicked off the Haitian Revolution in 1791. Now, you might be thinkin’, bruh, I can see what you mean about the presidential assassination, but the earthquake? C’mon man, you’re reaching now. Fam, not only is it well documented how scientists have the ability to make it rain at will in places like Dubai (read up on the HAARP program sometimes family), but have you noticed the Dominican Republic never gets hit with these catastrophic earthquakes even though they’re on the same island? Coincidence? Hmmmm….

Moreover, when we now have variant strains of the non-existent COVID virus, which is nothing but a front to initiate a massive sterilization campaign aimed at Indigenous Black folks y’all, understand, what we’re seeing is political theater played out on its grandest scale.

Mind you, I’ll talk about the COVID virus in my next post, but I’m telling the family, if you’ve ever had an inkling to do any kind of independent research outside of the blantant lies mainstream media feeds the proletariat, NOW’S THE TIME TO DEEP DIVE INTO IT!

Additionally and anecdotally fam, I remember the other evening I was in a CVS line waiting to purchase something when an odiously maladjusted and wheel-chair bound white guy came into the store. Now, the reason I’m saying he was unpleasant to be around wasn’t because of the malady which put him in a wheelchair, it’s because he very casually rode through a very narrow aisle near the check-out counter, where he almost hit someone, when he could have just as easily rode down the store’s main walkway. He not only felt entitled because of his condition but you could feel his attitudinal white priviledge from a foot away.

Anyhow, when this elderly whiteboi rode up to the counter, the person behind it spoke to him like he was a regular—then, the counterperson asked him how he was doing, to which he responded, “I’m not happy.” At this point I thought the whiteboi was gonna’ tear into a diatribe about how unpleasant his life was, but what he commented on instead was his dissatisfaction about Afghanistan falling to the Taliban—needless to say, I thought this was ludicrous on so many levels, the main one being, how he (and the majority of his ilk) believe our troops were in southern Asia to bring some form of democracy to it. Mind you, this whiteboi was talkin’ as if the Taliban were directly affecting his life to the point where he made himself sound like an oppressed minority.

Now, the reason I included this story fam’ was to let you know why you shouldn’t let yourself get emotionally involved in these propagandized military chess plays, ‘cause we should see this for what it really is—meaning, what we’re witnessing is white fascism consolidating its power so it can more effectively facilitate this massive sterilization campaign under the guise of curing the COVID virus. See, in order for this campaign to work, every nation on earth must come under an oligarchic white fascist rule—on top of this, white birth rates having fallen below replacement levels for the last several decades means whitey’s gotta’ work twice as fast—which is why they’ve turned the world upside down.

Fortunately family, there’s a silver lining to these storm clouds—and it’s this: the Black Diaspora is gonna’ need a trauma in order to unite and separate ourselves from any and every other ethnic group and white fascist social order, so we can realize our full potential and live prosperous, healthy lives conducive to raising families. Cause right now, we're too addicted to needing chez whitey's validation(s) to do it organically. So we should, at least those of us in the Black Conscious Community, see this as the grandest opportunity we’ll ever have to do this.

Now, understand what I’m NOT saying, I’m not telling every and any Black person reading this to get on the next thing smoking to Africa, ‘cause quite frankly fam, we’re the only people indigenous to this and EVERY OTHER LAND MASS ON EARTH! I’m also not telling Black folks to quit their jobs and/or leave school—I’m saying, now more than ever, we should support each other spiritually, physically, and financially.



Our best opportunity to build a “FUBU” (for us by us) NATION is afoot—we just gotta’ recognize and seize the hell outta’ this moment—and just like Samuel L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s classic film, “Do the Right Thing”, “…and that’s the double-truth, Ruth.”


MontUHURU Mimia

Fam, I just wanna’ show you the trailer for the movie, “Charlie Wilson’s War”, to show y’all who’s really arming and funding militias like “Al Qeada” and “The Taliban”.

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