
Saturday, August 28, 2021

The Gospel of white fascism (Part 57)...Decoding and "re-entering" the matrix, a non-existent virus and lethal cures, Eric Clapton, the myth of Black "vaccine hesistancy", and a "spiritualized" salvation...

 “How do you cure a disease which doesn’t exist?”

—MontUHURU Mimia

“The only way out of this is ‘IN’”.

—Ralph Smart of “Infinite Waters”

To the consistent (and patient) readers of this blog: Family, the other day I was channel surfing and came across the 1999 movie, “The Matrix”—now, normally I would just keep clickin’ the remote when I see a rerun of a movie I’ve seen a hundred times, but I figured it’d be fun to see if I noticed anything about this flick I didn’t catch initially. It’s been years since I watched this film—so I snuggled back on my couch and kept watching.

Immediately, I saw the twin-colored theme of this film on the Warner Brothers logo, and those twin colors are Black and green. Deciphering this was kinda’ easy y’all, see, chlorophyll is what makes plants green, thus, this a form of melanin. Also, chlorophyll contains magnesium—and refined magnesium turns “Black”—so the green and Black colors are reppin’ Black melanin family. 

The next shot shows a Black computer screen with illuminated green numbers—the left side of the screen has 3 number fives, like the pic shows above—and these numbers of course add up to “15”. Then, an empty space separates two other numbers to the right of the 3 fives, and those numbers were “6” and “9”, which also adds up to “15”. Now, these numbers have a dual meaning—besides adding up to 15, the 6 and 9 represent the metaphysical axiom, “As above, so below”. Meaning, this movie is basically a tale about the spiritual realm and how it resembles the “Matrix” or the illusion we believe is our real lives. Additionally, the two “15’s” add up to “30”—and in keeping with the laws of numerology, if we add “3” and “0”, we get another “3”. A second later, the movie cuts to a cadre of cops in a hallway flashing a light on the door of the room “Trinity” is sitting in—and what number’s on the door fam? “303” (number in red circle below to the left of the Trinity pic).

Now, this 303 is really a “33” (mind you, if you add these up obviously you’ll get “6” and this is the inverted “9” we saw on the last computer screen), also, this is the same room “Neo” runs back to at the end of the film before he’s shot to death and is resurrected as “the one”—this is the part where he’s able to stop bullets in mid-air y’all. So fam, if you’ve followed this blog at all, you pretty much know the significance of the number 33, but I wanna’ break down some other meanings it has in this flick.

First, there’s the obvious 33 degrees of freemasonry which match the 33 vertebrae in the spinal column leading up to the “Pineal Gland”, where our “consciousness” is supposedly kept. Second, sista Sophia Stewart who wrote this script—the same one the Wachowski brothers stole—also wrote the script to the movie, “The Terminator”—and she says the character “Neo” is the 33 year old John Connor of the Terminator movie. Mind you, if you’re a fan of the Terminator movie franchise then you know this means, Sarah Connor, is Neo’s mother. Sophia also confirmed how John Connor's initials “JC” are an allusion to “Jesus Christ”, thus this is who Neo really is—and, as the mythological story goes, Jesus the Christ died at age 33. Anecdotally fam, Will Smith was supposed to play Neo, but whitey couldn’t have a Black man portraying the savior of humanity, so they got Keanu.

So now what I wanna’ talk about fam, is the triple “7’s” you see in the above pic to the right of “Trinity”. This is a screenshot of a new “PayPal” account I have y’all—it’s also reppin’ my spiritual work as of late. You see, I’ve gotten to the point in my spiritual practice where I’m working with “Servitors”, these are spiritual entities a magic(k)ian creates to go about accomplishing a certain task. Mind you, when my magick was at its highest levels in the past, I’d often see three sixes, but once I endeavored to create spiritual entities and went about tasking them with assignments, I got triple “7’s”. Mind you, this never happened to me before fam. Now, while the number of “man” is “6”, it’s said the number of the Christ/creator is “7”—so, I took this picture to document the moment.

Now fam, understand what I’m NOT saying, I’m not saying I’m Jesus the Christ, I’m showing you the difference between how white fascists want us to “worship” the Christ, instead of being the Christ. So this means what? A coupla’ o’ things family, it means not only can we use these numbers to gauge our level of effectiveness in our spiritual practices, but if you call yourself “conscious”, it’s almost a moral imperative for you to practice these sciences as a means of “applying” the information you’ve acquired in the “Black Conscious Community” (BCC). Moreover, it shows us the reason white fascists gave us (and keep us in) the Bible-it’s so we can be kept out of the practice of manipulating spiritual forces in our favor, 'cause in the inimitable words of the Master metaphysician Bobby Hemmitt, there’s only two things whitey fears from Black people, one, a standing army, and two, our collective weaponized spirituality. This is ‘cause historically we’ve used both to kick their butts offa’ our land (Haitian Revolution) and we’ve also used 'em to get whitey offa’ our backs (The Gullah Wars in America).

So fam, ultimately I’ve said all this to say, like the Ralph Smart quote above, “The only way outta’ this is IN”—meaning, if you’ve ever had an inkling of curiosity about getting into the Black Spiritual Sciences, NOW’S THE TIME TO DO IT! ‘Cause chez whitey ain’t done turning the world upside down—remember, physically and genetically, they’re almost outta’ here, so they’re gonna’ throw everything and the kitchen sink at HUE-MANITY to preserve themselves. This is what the COVID virus agenda is really all about. Additionally, if you’re at the beginning phases of your spiritual practices, a great book to start out with is “The Kybalion” (above left). This book breaks down metaphysical laws and gives you the basics on how the spirit world works, so you can in essence become a better spiritual “technician”.

With this said, lemme dive into the main part of my post, so I can further decode the deluge of destructive practices the pale-skinned dead-enders are initiating all around us, and I do this with the intent of using moral disciplines and divinating practices to get US on the other side of this dilemma psychologically, spiritually, and physically unscathed.

—MontUHURU Mimia

Family, one of the most satisfying parts of belonging  to the BCC is what my research uncovers in regards to debunking the propagandized lies of America’s white fascist social order. Case in point, for as long as the “COVID” “p(L)andemic” has been with us, we’ve been hearing about the “Black hesitancy” around taking the “vaxx” jabs. However, upon doing a coupla' minutes of research, this is what I uncovered. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation website (and I’ll leave a website link for this at the end of the post fam), in regards to info. published on August 18th of this year, 72% of America’s adult population has gotten at least one dose of the vaxx. Now, according to every news source, Black Americans are the most hesitant to get these “jabs” because of a “historical mistrust” of America’s medical industry (Ya’ darn right!). Welp, to flesh out what’s really goin’ on, let’s test out this theory...

Now, when you look at national stats-guess who leads in the number of unvaxxed Americans? Wait for’s white people y’all—they account for 57% of unvaxxed adults. Now, you’re probably thinkin’, bruh, this is only cause there’s more whites in the country than Black folks. Well, let’s also take into account how this report also shows how white people have more access to the vaxx than we do—on top of this, the report shows how the majority of people who are getting new vaxx jabs are in fact, Black and Hispanic (most Hispanics, i.e. Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, etc. are Black themselves) people—at a rate of 26% vs. the 17%, 15%, and 12% which reps America’s other ethnic groups respectively—mind you, these numbers are relative to our share of America’s overall population. Topping this off, the overwhelming majority of the white people who aren’t getting these jabs will admit to having a “vaxx hesitancy”.

Moving on…

Dr, Janci Chunn Lindsay is a medical professional who holds a doctorate in biochemistry and molecular biology from the University of Texas and has 30 years of experience in toxicology—now fam, check out what this doc' told the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in regards to the vaxx jabs: “I strongly feel that all the gene therapy (COVID) vaccines must be halted immediately due to safety concerns on several fronts.” Mind you, Dr. Linsay said this to the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices on the date of April 23rd, of this year. Now, this is just the tip of the iceberg folks, let’s see what else she had to say ‘bout the vaxx: “There is a credible reason to believe that the COVID vaccines will cross-react with reproductive protein in sperm, the ova, and the placenta, leading to impaired fertility and impaired reproductive and gestational outcomes.” Also, Dr. Lindsay noted the rise in miscarriages following the vaxx rollout and added, “…we could potentially sterilize an entire generation.”

Now fam, I’ve heard people wax philosophic about how this “p(L)andemic” is all about money—but really y’all, it’s about whitey preserving themselves by getting rid of as many of US as possible.

Lastly fam, I could keep writing about the dangers of these vaxx jabs, but I wanna’ let a celebrity tell of his ordeals behind gettin’ the juice. Below is a vid featuring a member of “classic” rock music royalty, Eric Clapton. Now, this man was the guitarist for a band called, “Cream”, which was inducted into the “Rock and Roll Hall of Fame” in 1993. Moreover, I can remember playing cover songs of this band’s music in my younger days, so when I saw this vid’ it really hit home. In conclusion, I'll say, let’s take heed to this man’s testimony ‘cause if anyone was supposed to get the best of health care, it was him, and I hope this post leads you to make more informed choices when it comes to trusting this white fascist social order or any of it’s moving parts.

And like Sam L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s classic movie, “Do the Right Thing”: “…and that’s the double truth, Ruth.”


MontUHURU Mimia

Warning: This video contains adult language, viewer discretion is advised

Fam, if you wanna’ read up on America’s ethnic vaxx stats, you can do it HERE

Also, if you wanna' pdf manuscript of Dr. Lindsay's statements about the "vaxx", you can find it HERE

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