
Saturday, September 4, 2021

The white fascist attack on Black femininity (Part 9)

The white fascist attack on Black femininity (Part 9)...What do Kanye West, Haiti, Kevin Samuels, Derrick Jaxn, Tommy Sotomayor, Amanda Seales, Stacey Dash, and Kim Hill, all have in common? Find out here. (Special Labor Day Edition)

“Forgiving whites for acts of racism is a mental illness on the part of Black people.”

-Dr. Frances Cress Welsing

“Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar…”

-Sigmund Freud, psychoanalyst and cocaine addict

 “Fear is what controls you, love is what sets you free.”

—Ralph Smart of “Infinite Waters”

To the consistent (and patient) readers of this blog: Kanye West’s album, “Donda” (left), debuted on August 29th, of this year. The posthumously named LP is an homage to Kanye’s mother, Dr. Donda West, and chronicles Kanye’s continuing sojourns into his Christian faith. Now, if you’re reading this blog, I’m sure you’re aware of this. Moreover, let me say right off the rip, I’m not about to review any of the songs on this album—if I did, all it would accomplish is furthering the white fascist agenda and ritual(s) tied to this project. What agenda and ritual(s) you ask? Well, now you’re talking fam! So let’s go ALL THE WAY IN

You see, August 29th just happens to be the 16th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina—and it was also the day hurricane “Ida” made landfall in New Orleans. Now, do you remember when Kanye gave the infamous, “George Bush does not like Black people” speech? Welp, this was white fascism’s way of connecting Kanye to Katrina. So right now you might be thinking, bruh, this makes no sense, Kanye spoke out against what the government was doing—this is what we’ve been made to think fam. Ya’ see, Kanye’s indignation towards the Bush administration was staged, ‘cause what he was really tasked to do, in regards to these “natural” disasters, was to remind us of one fact, especially now—this being how white fascists have “weaponized” the weather.

Now, you might still be thinkin’, bruh, this is kind of a stretch, even for you. I might o’ thought so too fam, until I saw the fifth track on the Donda album, which is named, “Hurricane”. Coincidence? Hmmmm…

Additionally, this album will forever remind me of what Kanyeezy’s got in common with Haiti. Meaning, on August 14th, of this year, Haiti was struck with a catastrophic earthquake--this just happened to coincide with the “Bois Caiman” ceremony which kicked off the Haitian Revolution. This is the date when “Dutty” recited his famous “Boukman’s prayer” y’all. In it, he conjured Vudun/Voodoo spirits to help the brothas defeat Napoleon’s armies.

So fam, seeing as how I wanted to speak on ways I’ve noticed white fascism dealing with sistas, I wanted to commemorate the spirit of Dr. Frances Cress Welsing. She’s the woman in the header’s pic y’all. Dr. Welsing’s book, “The Isis Papers” (left), made a huge impact on my spiritual journey towards the Black Conscious Community (BCC). It also introduced me to the color symbolism(s) which permeate our socio-political landscape. Meaning, it was Dr. Welsing who hipped me to the fact of cigars being big and brown/Black, while cigarettes are small and white, which is what Sigmund Fraud, I mean Freud, was alluding to when he made the quote below Dr. Welsing’s pic. Dr. Welsing also showed the difference between game “balls”, meaning, the basket and football are large and brown/orange while small golf balls are white, etc. So if you haven’t already fam, read this book—it’ll open your eyes to the sublime face of white fascism.

With this said, lemme get down with decoding the dastardly efforts of these white fascists who’re determined to divide and conquer the Black man and woman, which undermines our path to the one and only virtue which’ll save us: UNITY!

—MontUHURU Mimia

Family, in this part of the post I wanna’ explore ways white fascism has Black femininity in its crosshairs by showing a coupla’ cults of personality traits the Diaspora at large is being tricked into following. Now, I’m gonna’ break this down into  “3” parts to get at the heart of whitey’s sublime methodologies and how to recognize ‘em. So, without further ado, let’s get down wit’…

Part 1.

Tommy Sotomayor, Derrick Jaxn, and Kevin Samuels

Kevin Roshon Samuels (right pic above) was born in Atlanta, Georgia on March 13th, 1965. He purports to be a “Life Coach”, Image Consultant, and "Dating Expert". As of late, he's enjoying success as a “YouTube Influencer”. He’s also a graduate of Oklahoma University, where he received a degree in Chemical Engineering—with it, he obtained work as a business manager and consultant. He’s the only child of a single mother and has been married twice—he also had a child from one of those marriages whose name he keeps under wraps. With this outta’ the way fam’, let me expound on reasons why Kevin Samuels is so dangerous.

In the nascent phases of my blogging career, more specifically in the year 2013, I spoke about the cultish following of Tommy Sotomayor (left pic above) and how I actually became somewhat enchanted by his brand of “Red-Pilled” logic (and for those who don’t know who or what the “Red Pill” community is, google it). It wasn’t until months later, I saw him for the self-hating Black man he truly is and wrote about it in one of my most popular posts, “Why I no longer listen to Tommy Sotomayor”. Now, as of late, I got introduced to Derrick Jaxn (middle pic above), who was a bona-fide hit with Black women. Promoting himself as the idyllic Black male Christian, he had a bevy of Black females hanging on his every word, but the “Red Pillers” saw through his game and branded him a “simp”, to which I elucidated how Derrick wasn’t a simp, but a “playa” pretending to be one. Mind you, this was the exact quality which made him seem like he came off the cover of a harlequin romance novel. His tactics had him earning six-figures while giving Black women the advice he knew would keep ‘em single and spending. Fortunately, his deceitful run ended in March of this year, when Derrick got busted cheating on his wife with several other women. Mind you, I’d be willing to bet money on Derrick seeing the stylings of “Uncle” Tommy Sotomayor and making sure his caricature did the exact opposite—so, while Derrick was wicked, he saw Tommy’s past stylings as the kiss of death, which essentially made him a smarter shuyster. Fast forward to now, and this bringing us to the quandary-filled case of Kevin Samuels…

First off, Kevin’s a white fascist freemason—which should come as no surprise to anyone, ‘cause he casually talks about how he belongs to frats which adhere to these doctrines. However, Kevin seems to be a pastiche of Tommy Sotomayor’s red-pilled sensibilities and Derrick’s penchant for being fashionably appointed. Meaning, Kevin makes his brand of red-pilled propaganda look exceedingly good—and mind you, he doesn’t seem to possess any of “Uncle” Tommy’s self-hating habits. Now, someone reading this, especially a sista might be sayin’, bruh, I don’t care about any of this, look at how he treats and talks to (Black) women—and I put Black in brackets ‘cause he’s been harsh with other ethnic groups of women as well. This said, Kevin’s real ingenuity lies in his “tone” or his harsh delivery towards (Black) women, mixed with his other attributes—and let me explain exactly what I’m talkin’ about.

As a young man, I wondered why women would consistently choose playaz over nerds and nice guys who these women knew would treat them like gold. Now, being a mature man, I finally figured out, it’s the power and charisma playaz possess which makes them irresistible to females. On top of this, the powerfully charismatic playa, appears to be someone who can protect a woman—and these men know on some level how “security-obsessed” women are—even if women themselves don’t. So, for the average woman, playaz and pimps are actually a more secure choice than the socially awkward brotha who’d be nothing but a gentlemen. Kevin Samuels knows this too—and he also knows his harsh tone makes him look extremely powerful to women.

Mind you, this isn’t just speculation—you can see, the more austere and belligerent Kevin is to women, the more they line up to be on his live YouTube and Instagram feeds. Now, add this to his polished looks and talks of wanting to help Black folks get married, in addition to his rants about saving the Black family-and it kinda' makes Kevin look like the the savior of our Diaspora. Ultimately, in time, Kevin’s white fascist agenda will reveal itself, just like it did with Tommy and Derrick, but his real intentions are gonna’ be harder to spot. Although, at some point, white fascists are gonna’ task him with influencing Black men to seek out marriage with any other kind of female but a Black one. Mind you, this is why white fascists created the red pill community-but they knew they needed a brotha with a more refined touch—which is again, what makes Kevin Samuels so dangerous. He's showing us the smarter face of white fascism.

Lastly fam, the added disadvantage Black women calling Kevin Samuels have is this: the overwhelming majority of them are so conditioned to hate Black men, they ‘ll never have a successful relationship with one. Meaning, the demographic of Black women calling Kevin Samuels, tends to fall under the “damaged goods” category. It seems these women were either raised in unstable and abusive households with Black men in them, or they were raised in fatherless homes where they were told, Black men ain’t worth a damn. Topping this off, what goes so uncommunicated by these women is this: the majority of these women don’t want tips on how to marry a Black man, they wanna' know how to marry a white or non-Black one...and in more layman’s terms, these sistas are looking to get their swirl on y’all. Unfortunately, what they don’t know is the majority of white and non-Black people, only use US for sex. Thus, the Black women who don't know this are prime targets for being treated like “sex-toys” by white and non-Black men.

Part 2.

Amanda Seales, Stacey Dash, and Halle Berry

Amanda Ingram Seales (left pic above) was born in Inglewood, California on July 1st, 1981. Better known as Amanda “Diva”, she’s a singer, actress, and comedian, and she also starred in the HBO comedy series, “Insecure”. As of late, Amanda was one of the co-hosts of the syndicated daytime talk show, “The Real”.

Stacey Lauretta Dash (middle pic above) was born in the Bronx, New York City on January 20th, 1967, and is an actress best known for her role in the movie, “Clueless”, as Dionne Marie Davenport, she also starred in the TV series of the same name. While Stacey has appeared in TV shows like CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and Single Ladies, she’s also been featured in movies like, “Mo’ Money” and Richard Pryor’s film, “Moving”. Stacey also had a short stint of being an anchor on the Fox News Network.

Halle Berry (right pic above) is an actress I’m not gonna’ bother writing a short bio about, if you don’t know who she—and if you’re reading this blog, I’m sure you do, then google her.

Now, these bi-ethnic looking Black women are the archetypal poster children for the “tragic mulatto” demographic—and here’s why. In the last decade, darn near every commercial with a Black man or woman in it, has them paired with a white or non-Black person—and in the case of these 3 celebrated females, America's pretty much guaranteed them their pick of white or non-Black men to choose from because of their "bi-ethnic" looks. There’s only one problem, with white birth rates falling below replacement levels, white society is becoming more “race-loyal”—but they’re not gonna' tell us this. Meaning, more white and non-Black men and women aren’t thinking about marrying Black men and women, even if we’re educated and traveling in their circles. What puts these women in an even more precarious position, is how they’ve been conditioned to hate Black men without them knowing it—and if you think I’m being hyperbolic, let’s go over reasons why I know this.

First, Amanda Seales is famous for saying in one of her videotaped interviews how she fears, it won’t be any white bigot who’ll potentially kill her, it’ll be a “brother”. Second, Stacey Dash went on Fox News and said with a straight face, there shouldn’t be channels like “BET” and there shouldn’t be a “Black History Month”—now understand, she did this not only to get in the good graces of conservative whites, but in hopes of eventually marrying a white (or not Black) man—and what she got was kicked off Fox News. Lastly, Halle has told reporters about what a destructive force her abusive Black father was in her household-and ever since, her instinctive reaction to being with Black men has been completely negative. Additionally, these women don’t realize how their hatred for Black men affects their relationships with EVERY OTHER kind of man. Meaning, Black women like these who treat Black men with a venomous disliking, don’t realize how white and non-Black men watch their behaviors, and use this to justify their treating Black women like sex-toys.

Part 3.

Kim Hill

Kim Alise Hill is a singer and actress who was born and raised in Camilius, New York, a suburb outside of New York City. She was raised by a single mother in a primarily white neighborhood and my plan is to dedicate this last part of my post to a short video about her life and how she got into the rap group, “The Black Eyed Peas” (BEP).

Now, in the video you’ll see how Kim says she grew up being enchanted by the TV show “Soul Train” and how it led her to a career in the arts. Mind you, when she mentions the artists who performed on Soul Train, she mentions “Elton John” and “David Bowie”, before mentioning “Stevie Wonder”—and trust me, this is gonna’ be an important point for later on in the vid’ y’all. She then talks about how degrading Hip-Hop is to women, before a clip of President Bill Clinton is shown where he makes a speech denouncing all the violent imagery in media. Now, whether she realizes it or not, she’s already showing a predisposition to hate Black men, or at least make them out to be these hyper-masculine predators on human life.

Ultimately, the same genre of music she’s denouncing, is the one which gives her a shot at fame—and after some men who look like Elton John, David Bowie, and Bill Clinton, working in the music industry, give her an ultimatum in terms of what they want her to do in the BEP, she makes a rash decision thinking she ultimately doesn’t need this inferior music genre (or group) to define her career. I’ll let the vid’ fill you in on the rest of the story fam. Although, I’ll tell you to note how she talks about  BEP’s Wil.I.Am like he’s her “little brother”.

So fam, ultimately what do all these people have in common? They’ve all been influenced or are currently influencing the Diaspora to abandon and destroy the Black “nuclear” family. Whether they know it or not.

Now, as of late, I’ve mentioned a lot about my evolving spiritual journey—and this started with the work I’ve done, and am doing in my subconscious mind. Meaning, it’s not only important, but it’s imperative for Black people to, at some point in their adult lives, recondition themselves out of the programming they’ve gotten to hate themselves and everyone who looks like them. The alternative is to live like the people I’ve just mentioned, who have all the opportunities and resources in the world, but who’re doomed to wreck whatever relationship they get into with Black men and women because they haven’t done this work.

So, I hope this inspires at least one brotha or sista to commit some time of their day to expunging this kind of negative conditioning at subconscious levels, so they don’t suffer the same fate as the afflicted brothas and sistas I’ve mentioned here.

And like Sam L. Jackson said in Spike Lee's classic movie, “Do the Right Thing”: “...and that’s the double truth, Ruth.”


MontUHURU Mimia

Family, here’s the Kim Hill vid’ I spoke about earlier.
Warning: This video contains adult language, viewer discretion is advised.

Fam, when I talk about white men using Black women like "sex toys", this is a prime example of what I mean. Mind you, the most heart-breaking part of this vid’ is knowing she'll probably go through this for the rest of her life, if she doesn’t recondition herself out of hating Black men. Warning: This video contains adult language, viewer discretion is advised.


  1. I think we're both coming to the same conclusion, but with different words.

    Real "Black" unity is not gonna happen on some "Million Man March" type of fantasy, but rather in the form of small pockets of people gradually working towards a common goal.

    I've said before (albeit in different words) that the biggest barrier to 'Black' love is this gynocentric and misandrist culture. It's a totally corrupt bastardization of the gynephilic cultures that we originally descend from (look up something called the "Women are Wonderful" effect).

    1. “Kev”…

      The other day I was watching a Black woman who’s a therapist and “relationship counselor” on YouTube. What made this woman stand out from others, is her identifying herself as a “B1” member—meaning, she’s counseling clients from a “Black first”/Black Nationalist/Pan-Afrikanist perspective. Hosting her live stream was a brotha who’s pretty much a stalwart of the “Black Conscious Community”, going by the name of “King Simon”—and in one part of his interview, he asked this woman if her counseling involves working with the subconscious mind. To which she responded with a resounding “no”, she then said, if her clients want this kind of information, she’d refer them to books they can read on their own.

      Now, I thought this was odd, ‘cause I know the best way to recondition someone out of a trauma, or to see longer-lasting results is by dealing with the subconscious. Mind you, when King Simon asked this woman if she counseled white clients, she responded with an enthusiastic and animated, “Oh yeah…”, before saying, “…they’re some of my best clients.” This reminded me of a time when I was in a phone conversation with a Black woman who made it a point to tell me how she’d dated several white men, to which I asked, “Well, how did those dates go?” This sista gave me the same kinda’ animated and enthusiastic response the Black therapist did, saying, “You’re not gonna’ like what you hear, but they treated me better. They took me out more, they bought me things…” To which I responded, “Okay, so why aren’t you still with one of them, what happened?” All I heard was crickets afterwards.

      Mind you, this Black woman fit the exact stereotype of the average sista calling into a Kevin Samuels show. She was obese, oversexed, argumentative, loud, and conditioned to hate Black men—so, she’s more or less doomed to wind up alone, ‘cause she doesn’t realize, and doesn’t want to realize, how her hating Black men affects her relationships with EVERY OTHER KIND OF MAN.

      Now, a sista who reads this post might think I’m some “red-pilled, (Black) woman-hating” follower of Tommy Sotomayor’s, but nothing could be further from the truth. However, I feel obligated to let brothas know, how they need to be “HYPER-SCRUTINIZING” when it comes to being in ANY KIND of relationship with a Black woman. ‘Cause not only are the majority of Black women conditioned to hate us, without knowing it, but even if they do know it, they’re not gonna’ do the work to change it. Which is why it was so disheartening to hear the Black female therapist say she doesn’t counsel clients at subconscious levels.

      Now, I have heard of the “Women are Wonderful” effect, and I’ve also subscribed to this sentiment at one time in my life—and stopped when I started dating women. Additionally, I was talking to a “thirty-something”, educated, Black woman, and was struck by how quickly she started cursing in our conversation and asking me questions about Black men’s behaviors. At the end of the conversation, I found out she was yet another Black woman who’s conditioned to hate Black men and thought, the only relationship she’d be good for is a sexual one.

    2. "Kev"(cont.)...

      So, I’ve said all this to say, I agree we’re essentially saying the same thing but using different language—‘cause frankly, the majority of Black women have made themselves so “undateable”, it’s hard to imagine a time in the near future where they'll cease blaming Black men for everything wrong in the Black community while taking a hard look at why NO KIND OF MAN is marrying them en mass.

      Mind you, I’m still betting on us—but by us, I primarily mean BLACK MEN. ‘Cause we’re the only ones who can lead our people out of this integrationist morass we’re mired in—waiting for Black women to do this, would surely mean a death sentence for our people.

      So, more of my focus will be on showing how Black men make the best fathers (stats prove this), how we’re less incarcerated, more gainfully employed, more educated, and generally how we’re BECOMING BETTER MEN, RIGHT NOW-- whether our women know it or not. Also, Black women like the kind I featured in this post’s video are starting to hit “the wall” and seeing how white and non-Black men have relegated them to a “sex toy” status for their amusement(s).

      Meaning, ultimately, no one’s coming to save us, but ourselves. Additionally, it won’t take EVERY Black person getting on code to save our Diaspora, a small minority will do—so to them I’m offering my allegiance and resources—but at the end of the day, even though it sounds like an inane cliche, if this blog helps only ONE BLACK PERSON to recondition themselves outta’ the self-hating programming we’ve gotten, this forum's mission statement, along with my work here, won’t be in vain.

      Thanks for commenting Kev.
