
Friday, October 15, 2021

The cult of gay white bigotry (Part 8)...

 The cult of gay white bigotry (Part 8)…How Dave Chappelle keeps his friends close and his enemies “closer”, and answering the question: what do the “Squid Game”, Planned Parenthood, COVID-19 vaccinations, and the LGBTQ community all have in common?

"...he was a very strong-willed, very powerful, passionate, proud man...a man like that was a menace from every conceivable angle-a walking phallic symbol, he was the culmination of the nightmare white people have in their heads when they talk about ‘the negro’."

-James Baldwin  

To the consistent (and patient) readers of this blog: Margaret Sanger was born on September 14th, 1879 in Corning, New York, and she’s most remembered for being the activist, sex educator, writer, and nurse who opened America’s first birth control clinic, while also founding the organization which would become the “Planned Parenthood Federation of America” or “Planned Parenthood”.

Now, Margaret opened the first of these birth control clinics in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn, New York City—and here’s a small hint as to why she chose this part of the country for the locale of her first office. Margaret, in a letter she wrote on December 10th, of 1939 said, “…we do not want word to get out that we’re trying to exterminate the negro population.” So, this was the real agenda behind not only the Planned Parenthood organization but the FDA’s approval of the first “birth control pill” which was made available through these clinics in 1960.

The “National Black Justice Coalition” (NBJC), was founded on December 8th, 2003 by eight Black Civil Rights leaders. The formation of this organization was announced during a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington D.C., and this group was originally formed to challenge Republican led initiatives to amend the Constitution against “same-sex” marriages. However, what they really did was promote gay marriage in the Black community—thus, serving this agency’s true purpose, which is to promote the political interests of the Black gay (LGBTQ) agenda.  

Now, why am I mentioning this group? ‘Cause one of this agency’s sponsors just happens to be “Planned Parenthood”. Also, remember Margaret Sanger's letter which said she wanted to “exterminate negroes”? Welp, this particular letter was addressed to a “Dr. Gamble”—and this just happens to be the man who the company “Proctor & Gamble” is named for. Coincidentally, guess who just happens to be another sponsor of the NBJC? Yep, Proctor & Gamble.

Additionally fam’, as of late, I’ve been made aware of the Netflix TV series, “The Squid Game”, which is a survivalist drama from South Korea. Now, while I watched the trailer for this show, I was thinkin’, does anybody see the similarity between this and “The Hunger Games”? Mind you, there are obvious differences between this show and The Hunger Games, especially ethnically, but seeing this and other movies like “The Purge”, it brings me to one conclusion: what Planned Parenthood, the NBJC, the LGBTQ community, and these movies/TV shows all have in common is this: they’re ALL ABOUT DEPOPULATION Y’ALL!

Now, I can hear some of you sayin’, bruh, I know you wanna’ think this is only happening exclusively to Black people, but this agenda affects everyone, including white folks, so don’t go on any tangents about how this is only aimed at US. Welp, I won’t go on any wild tangents to prove this—I’ll just list “3” facts which’ll do it for me…


Margaret Sanger

Now, since I’ve mentioned Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood before, I think it’s best to start here: In 1939, Margaret created an initiative called the “Negro Project”. This was a plan to place Black doctors at her clinics to gain the trust of our communities while carrying out her eugenicist plot to abort our children, and/or, sterilize Black mothers. Now, I want you to note, Sanger didn’t call this the “Poor white”, or “Latino”, or “Asian” Project—she called it the “Negro Project”. So, this was aimed squarely at US.



By 2050, the majority of Americans WILL NOT BE wHITE—and for the last several decades, white birth rates (globally) have fallen below replacement levels. Meaning, white people have less than a century to remain on this planet—and Black people have the most genetic power to breed whites out of existence. Need I say more? This is not only why whitey’s turned the world upside down wit’ this fake “P(L)andemic”, but it’s why white fascism is throwing every depopulating method at US more than anyone else.


 Africa’s COVID testing

Last year, Tanzania, Africa’s former president, John Magufuli, who held a doctorate in Chemistry, was suspicious about the veracity of his country’s COVID-19 lab tests. So, he conducted an experiment where he took DNA samples from a goat, a sheep, and a papaya (fruit), and submitted them with human names for COVID testing—and guess what? These DNA samples came back POSITIVE FOR THE COVID-19 VIRUS!

So understand, when I say the white fascist bull’s eye is on the back of Black people, this ain’t a theory. Now fam, let’s be like our African brotha John so we can flesh out the foul-nature of what’s goin’ on wit’ sexually-conflicted white folks tryna' cancel Dave Chappelle’s comedy. In other words, let’s deep dive into the main part o’ this post y'all…

—MontUHURU Mimia

Now, if you’re reading this, I’m pretty positive you’ve either seen or heard about the controversies surrounding Dave Chappelle’s last Netflix special, “The Closer”. Seems like the gay community, with an emphasis on the “trans” mafia, have gotten their collective panties in a bunch over what Dave had to say about them in his comedy act. Funny enough, pun intended, it seems to me like he’s gone out of his way to accommodate the feelings of this sexually-conflicted coterie. Still, they're dead set on “cancelling” this intrepid and innately ingenious brotha, to the point where some of these ambiguously –gendered types are leaving their jobs at Netflix in protest of the points Dave was making. Moreover, when Dave closed his show by asking the alphabet soup crew to, “…stop punching down on my people.”, they got especially upset, ‘cause not only do they see themselves as an oppressed minority, but they think they should be beyond reproach because of this “status”.

So, seeing as how you’ve probably heard all the accusations being lobbed at Dave from the LGBTXYZ types, what I’d like to do is list “3” dilemmas within their community which, in my opinion, they need to address more than whatever jokes Dave has made about their sexual deviations, I mean, orientations. So, let's start wit’…


Domestic Violence

Same sex relationships suffer more instances of domestic violence than heterosexual ones. In the case of lesbian relationships, the incidence of violence is as high as 55%. So, there’s a significant need for queer folk to find solutions which can end this problem in their community.

Now, “academics” and queer therapists/analysts say the reason for this high rate of violence  is due to the pressures of being oppressed by mainstream society, or the fear of being “outed” by partners and/or lovers. Welp, here’s the truth of the matter fam, even though it’s not politically correct to say this, homosexuality is the result of a childhood trauma. Period. Now, of course there’s gonna’ be people who read this and say, this is just one more case of you homo/trans/gay/queer-phobics, attempting to denigrate our humanity. So to this I say, fam, don’t take my word for it, do your own research--if you check the history of any homosexual person, you can bet money you’ll find the childhood trauma which “turned them out”.

Mind you, I want everyone to understand what I’m NOT SAYING—I’m not telling anyone homosexuals are intrinsically evil or predisposed to any and every kind of moral obtuseness. I’m saying, the reason this community is so plagued with domestic violence is, the majority of these people came from unstable and abusive households, thus, they’re incapable of creating stable and loving homes themselves. You attract what you are. Ultimately.


Black appropriation and acceptance

I remember seeing a picture of a “gay pride” march, where several white men and women held a huge sign saying, “We too have a dream”. This of course is referencing Dr. King’s “I have a dream” speech. Also, I remember watching a lesbian author’s book signing where a gay white man asked, “Why don’t Black people accept us as an oppressed minority?” So basically, the gay community, the gay white community especially, is waiting for Black people to equate our struggles with theirs. Although, they’d never consider this one fact, which is…


What white gays will never admit is, they can hide their sexuality, Black people can’t hide our ethnicity—thus, their “struggle” will NEVER BE THE SAME AS OURS!

Topping this off, white gays basically wanna’ have their cake and eat it too, meaning, they wanna’ have all their white privileges while being able to pass themselves off as an oppressed minority. It kinda’ reminds me of when I watch white women talk about how much they couldn’t stand Donald Trump, when the majority of them voted for him—TWICE!


Dating Discrimination

Now fam, I was gonna’ talk here about how white gays like the late Jeffrey Dahmer and Ed Buck got away with killing Black gay men indiscriminately for years because of their white privileges--but instead, I wanna’ show you a short vid’ of how white gays discriminate against Black gays in the UK. Also, I wanna’ show everyone reading this, how our brothas and sistas across the Atlantic are dealing with the same kinda’ racism we deal with here in the States--even though we’re told how “liberal” white Europeans are. So, check out this "BBC" clip, which documents a club and some of its patrons on a night which specifically caters to the Black and "Asian" LGBTQ demographic.

 Fam…if you wanna’ check out the domestic violence stats for same sex relationships, you can do it HERE and HERE  

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