
Friday, October 22, 2021

The cult of gay white bigotry (Part 9)...

 The cult of gay white bigotry (Part 9)…Getting closure on Dave Chappelle’s “The Closer”, the co-opting of “woke” culture, the real reason "trans" folk don't like Dave, and answering the question: what do Black women and the LGBT community have in common?

“If there’s no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm.”

—African proverb

“We (Black) women are so complicated, we can’t figure ourselves out.”

—female guest on the “Fresh and Fit” podcast

“Ain't I a woman?”

-Sojourner Truth, speaking out against the white women’s “suffrage movement” in 1851, which refused to recognize the "suffering" of Black women.

To the consistent (and patient) readers of this Blog: Originating in Senegal, Gambia, and Guinea Bisau, Africa, the “Akoting” is the earliest predecessor to the modern day musical instrument we know as the “banjo”. Additionally, according to oral history, the actual birthplace of this instrument is the village of Kanjanka in Senegal. Soon after the banjo was created, in Ethiopia, a similar instrument called the “Krar Harp” would add a wider body to the banjo, and this would give rise to another instrument coming from the “Moors” of West Africa, called the “Guitarro”. Now, the Moors introduced the Guitarro to Spain in the 9th century AD, and soon after, all of Spain, Italy, and southern France would become enthralled with the instrument.

Later, when the Moors migrated to America, they bought the Guitarro with them—and in the coming centuries, it would become a popular instrument in the American South. Black Americans, who had a natural affinity for the instrument, would use it to create musical genres we now know as the “Blues” and “Rock and Roll” respectively.

Now, in the early 90’s, I remember going to a popular music store called, “Sam Ash”, and seeing as I had taught myself some chords on the guitar, I went there, looking for a new one. Right before I entered the guitar section, this long, stringy- haired white boi just stared at me, as if to say, how dare you enter the sacred portal of anglophilic instrumentation we now know as the guitar section. I just looked at him like he was crazy, and a sec’ later, he went about his business. Had he continued staring, I woulda’ let Opie know how everything they learned about music, they got from us. See fam, not only did we create all of the early musical instruments, but we created MUSIC. PERIOD.

Now, why would I open the post, with the origin story of the guitar? Welp fam, lately, ever since this whole imbroglio over Dave Chappelle’s last comedy special “The Closer” happened, I’ve been hearing mainstream media refer to the LGBTQ community as “Woke”. Mind you, the “Woke” community is an off-shoot of the “Black Conscious Community’s” growing popularity. Understand, the reason the Woke community gave itself this name is, they’re the “newly” conscious. Thus, they’re just opening their eyes to certain “esoteric” truths, meaning, they’ve just “awoken” to certain realities.  

However, in the spirit of cultural appropriation, now we have bigoted/racist white factions like the “Qanon” communities, and the white gay community, being labeled as Woke by the white media-and none of them are rejecting the title. I even saw one Qanon member, ya’ know, the alt-right white bigots who stormed D.C.’s Capitol building, wearing a t-shirt which read “WQKE”—note the “Q” in the middle of Woke. So, I’m showing you  how white people/fascists will adopt something we created and try to pass it off as their own, just like the Blues and Rock and Roll. Hell, the original “Skinheads” were Black. They were brothas hangin’ out with the “Rude Boy” Jamaicans over in the UK.

Needless to say, this is yet another reason I find the LGBTXYZ types so irksome to say the least, ESPECIALLY THE BLACK ONES, ‘cause they’ll lecture Black people on how “insensitive” we’re being towards the gay community, then when those white gays turn on ‘em, they come runnin’ back to us, crying racism. To which I say, naaah bruh, go back to YOUR COMMUNITY and work it out.

This said, what I’m gonna’ address in the main part o’ this post are ways in which brothas and sistas in the LBGT-LMNOP circles are letting themselves get used by these fringe white fascist factions and how ultimately, they’re the ones who are gonna’ be left out in the cold when things reach a critical point. So, follow me from the last part o’ this post to expound on why brothas and sistas need to expatriate from the egregious mental escapism of thinkin’ they’re something other than Black. See y’all on the other side fam…

—MontUHURU Mimia

Sojourner Truth, the American abolitionist and Women’s Rights activist, on May 29th, of 1851, addressed the Ohio Women’s Rights Convention, where she gave her famous, “Ain’t I a Woman” speech. Now, while she was fighting for “Women’s Rights”, she noticed her white female “comrades” were engaging in another fight altogether. These white females were staunch advocates of getting the right to vote before Black men—and Black women. So, noticing this, and seeing the divisive nature of this “movement”, she took to the podium and with the words, “Ain’t I a Woman?” attempted to sell ms. whitefolks on the idea of their "shared" goals.

There was only one problem—Sojourner didn’t realize she WASN’T A wHITE WOMAN.

Hence, what Sojourner also failed to grasp was, she could’ve talked ‘til she was blue in the face, white women still weren’t gonna’ give up their “privileges” to align their “plight” with the struggles of Black women. Meaning, Sojourner’s real enemy wasn’t Black men, it was white fascism, which white women know they benefit from. So, in essence, Sojourner was done before she started.

Fast forward to 2021, where we now have a “trans” Black woman named Ashlee Marie Preston, who organized a protest against Dave Chappelle because of his Netflix comedy special, “The Closer”. Now, in one of Ashlee’s diatribes, he/she said Dave couldn’t write himself a check, so he’ll have to listen to us. Mind you, a couple of days before, another Black “trans” woman was fired from Netflix for leaking the financial “metrics” of Dave’s comedy special to Bloomberg News. Mind you, it was this Black woman, I mean, “trans” female, who said in response to getting fired, “All these white people are going around talking to the press and speaking publicly on Twitter and the only person who gets fired is the Black person who was quiet the whole time.”

So this means what? This shows how Black women, “trans” or otherwise, still haven’t gotten the message of who their real enemy is. Meaning, they’re still thinking Black men are their main oppressors, when time and time again, they’re being shown white fascism is the oppressive force blocking their progressive strides.  

Now, here’s why Black women, “trans” or otherwise, won’t break this anglophilic and integrationist fever which has been ailing them for centuries. Bottom line is, the overwhelming majority of Black women are so conditioned to hate Black men, not only won’t they have a successful relationship with one, but because of this, they’ll be obsessive in their pursuits of white and non-Black guys. As a result, they'll be completely oblivious to the self-destructive behaviors they're putting on display for the whole world to see. Now, I’m hoping this will change over the course of the next few generations, but I know it won’t during my lifetime.

So right now, you’re probably thinkin’, bruh, you can’t very well say this about all Black women, plus, this sounds like a bit o’ sour grapes over bad relationships you’ve had in the past. Welp, I’m not saying ALL Black women, just most of them—and, if you think I’m exaggerating about this, lemme share wit’ you another incident involving Black women which happened this week.

April Mason, the Black feminine lifestyle strategist and dating mind-set coach, quit her practice recently. Mind you, the reasons she gave for quitting were her Black female clients. Now, I’ll have a short video at the end of this post which details all her reasons for this decision, but some of them I’ll share here. Basically, April said her Black female clients were calling her offices and “cursing out” her staff-and topping this off, April used these terms to describe her Black female clients: having unrealistic expectations, selfish, fake everything, entitled, mean, thinking being a feminine woman is weak—and I could go on. Point being, even Black women who wanna’ help other Black women are saying, I can’t deal with them.

Furthermore, even April, who’s supposed to show Black women how to be more feminine can’t seem to take her own advice. Case in point, the pic (left) is one of a video showing April at a gun range, learning how to shoot a high caliber rifle (and you can click on this pic to enlarge it folks). Now, a Black woman looking at this might be thinkin’, well we can’t depend on Black men to protect us—to which I’ll say, the reason we wouldn’t, is because Black women have gone out of their way to be so disrespectful to us, we’d be fools to rush to your aid—especially since half of you won’t even smile at us.

This said, lemme answer the question of what the “trans” community and Black women REALLY have in common, especially pertaining to why they’re so strongly protesting against Dave’s comedy special. What both these “communities” are ultimately saying about Dave is…


Now, the logical follow up question to this would be, why would either of these groups wanna’ embrace and/or protect white fascism? Here’s the answer: ‘cause both the gay “trans” community and Black women are counting on white fascism to provide them with the promise of “white privileges”. Mind you, notice I didn’t say provide them with white privileges, but the “promise” of them.

Ultimately, the “trans” community, especially the white “trans” community, understand how they can cash in their white privilege “chips” any time they want resources, while Black women, “trans” or not, are looking to be with white fascism’s ultimate prize, a white man—in order to have access to these same “chips”.

So fam, I hope this shed a little light on what’s really going on wit’ these protests. Hence, when you see any more of them, you’ll know this ain’t about “Civil Rights”, it’s about the right to uphold the very institutions which are destroying the Black straight and “trans” community, meaning, it's really about exalting the tried and not-so-true system of white fascism.

And like Sam L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s classic movie, “Do the Right Thing”: “…that’s the double truth, Ruth.”


—MontUHURU Mimia

Family, here’s the vid’ I promised showing the Black “trans” women of the Dave Chappelle protest and April Mason's "Facebook" post explaining why she quit the biz.


  1. I connected from the start with this one because I'm also into guitar. likewise I was talking to someone a month back about how I thought of woke as coming from the conscious hip hop/ Black community. Your have a greater insight on that because at the time I didn't connect it to appropriation per se. The difference here is there's no one giving full credit to the source they way a handful of foriegn rock guitarist gave credit to black blues artist. in fact the opposite with woke being vilified then attached to black origins

  2. “Blackonblack”…

    At the beginning of this month, I was watching some footage of the guitarist Eddie Van Halen, who’s the lead guitarist of the 80’s band “Van Halen”/Van Hagar, perform in one of their concerts. In this particular clip, I saw Ed go to his huge “wall” stack of amps and hold his guitar to them, which created some atonal “feedback”. While he did this, he played his guitar in such a way as to make the feedback more “musical”—just like Jimi Hendrix. I then remembered reading, in one of the Hard Rock and Metal magazines in the late 80’s, how Eddie claimed he’d never listened to Hendrix or other “Black” guitarists—although he used different wording to say this. Mind you, if you ever listen to Van Halen’s “Fair Warning” album (which came out in ’81) and its first song, “Mean Street”, you can clearly hear the Funk and R&B inspired riff which sets the tune off—and this comes directly from guitarists like Nile Rogers of the band, “Chic”.

    Meaning, the average white guitarist is too dense or self-involved to see how “Lead Belly” influenced bands like Led Zeppelin and Nirvana. Mind you, in 1994, when Nirvana played on MTV’s “Unplugged”, the “Grunge” group brought the house down with their version of the Lead Belly song, “Where Did You Sleep Last Night”—which Lead Belly recorded in the 1940’s.

    Now, in regards to whitey’s appropriation of the communal term, “Woke”, we now see the white gay community, along with the white fascist media, bestowing this label on the “trans” and LGBT-XYZ types, so they can align their plight with OURS. This is the same reason why you saw the white “trans” community screaming, “Trans Lives Matter” (mocking the “Black Lives Matter” movement), when they were protesting the airing of Dave Chappelle’s comedy special “The Closer”. So, like everything else concerning our culture, Black people are the most revered and reviled demographic in this country.

    Mind you, there is some intersectionality between the Woke and Hip-Hop cultures, but these social constructs have NOTHING TO DO WITH wHITE GAYS. What’s even more frustrating is when Black men, posing as “trans” women, stick up for this crap, until their white gay peers turn on them. Then, they wanna’ cry racism. To which I say, well, you wanted to be something “other” than Black, right? So, go back to your community and work all your sexually and ethnically confused issues out with them.

    Lastly, there’s an ancient African axiom which says, “Man know thyself”, but what’s just as important, is US knowing who our enemies ARE and AREN’T. ‘Cause our (collective) lives literally depend on it.

    Thanks for commenting “Blackonblack”

  3. Read the book "Color, Communism, and Common Sense" by the late Manning Johnson. Explains the REAL reason behind "race wars" and "queer advocacy".

    What's funny is, if you look up the history of Marxist leaders/governments, you will find that they are every bit as tyrannical and intolerant as the "capitalist pigs" that they talk sh-t about.

    1. “Kev”…

      I remember reading a newspaper article where one of the “founders” of the “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) movement, Patrisse Cullors, “outed” herself and another of BLM’s founding members, Alicia Garza, as “trained Marxists”. Mind you, both these women are gay. I just nodded and thought to myself, it figures. Moreover, Patrisse is said to have purchased roughly 3.2 million dollar’s worth of real estate with the “donations” given to the BLM organization. This just shows the kind of “champagne socialism” these women are practicing.

      Now, the saddest part of all this, at least to me, is seeing how Black men, who identify as “trans” Black women, so eagerly give up their manhood to side with white fascism, not realizing they’ll share the same fate as straight Black men. See, I understand how Black women, and women in general, are hard-wired to follow power, so for them, white fascism, no matter how nefarious, will always be the most attractive choice—but you’d think any Black man, gay or straight, with half a brain, would realize WE’RE the ones behind enemy lines, not Black women, ‘cause white fascism doesn’t see them as a threat.

      So, this blog post is ultimately saying: the (modern day) Black women, straight or “trans”, has so much contempt for straight Black men, they can't be any kind of real ally to us. Meaning, the salvation of the Black Diaspora is ultimately in the hands of the BLACK MAN, not the Black woman.

      I’ll most def check out the book, and thanks for commenting Kev.
