
Sunday, November 28, 2021

The Gospel of white fascism (Part 61)...

 The Gospel of white fascism (Part 61)…"Fresh and Fit's" Myron Gaines, Denzel Washington, the socially-engineered “construct” of celebrity culture, the “power couple” dynamic and the esoteric purpose, parable, and “pairing” of Will and Jada Pinkett Smith (Special "Post-Thanksgiving" Edition).

  “We ride together, we die together, BAD MARRIAGE for life.”

-Will and Jada Smith, from Jada's "Red Table Talk"

"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it..."

-Tommy Lee Jones as "Agent K" talking to Will Smith, from the film, "Men in Black" 

To the consistent (and patient) readers of this Blog: In 1997, Erika Badu put out a video for her song, “The Other Side of the Game”—and this was when she and “Outkast’s” Andre 3000 were still together. Now, when this came out the musical genre of “Neo-Soul” was really hittin’ with artists like D’Angelo and Jill Scott-and to me, this song and video represented the cream of this genre’s crop in terms of lyrics, melody, and a cinematic visual language which a lot of videos attempt but few accomplish.

Briefly, the song and video are about the father of Erika’s child (Andre) selling drugs for the police. I loved how she worded this in her lyrics, singing, “Now me and baby got this situation, see, brotha got this complex occupation…” This showed me the ingenuity in Erika’s music and the R&B/Soul genre as a whole.

Recently, YouTube introduced me to another side of its “game”, so to speak...and lemme tell you what I’m talking about—for the past few months, I started watching a podcast called “Fresh and Fit” on YouTube. Now, this podcast is hosted by two “brothas” named “Myron” and “FreshPrinceCEO”. This podcast is also one which caters to the Black “Manosphere”--and what these two young men do is give other young brothas advice on dating and relationships. A more accurate description of these two would be younger versions of Kevin Samuels, with an emphasis on dating and “hook-up” etiquette as opposed to Kevin’s advice for women on how to get and keep a “high-value man”.

Now, the Fresh and Fit podcasts are filmed from these brothas actual home—which is an upper-scale condo in Miami, FL. So, when I watched these podcasts I thought it odd how these young men could afford such a plush abode, but then I thought, hey, I’m not gonna’ hate—more power to these brothas. Then, a few weeks ago, I started seeing some YouTube “beefs” arise between the Fresh and Fit guys, and some other podcasters. This is when I started hearing about Myron, not being quite who he says he is. Eventually, I saw a video, where Myron actually “outed” himself and confessed to being a former “Special Agent” for “Homeland Security” (HS). Topping this off, Myron's real name is “Amrou Fudl”. I also found out how Amrou got the condo he lives in--it was by earning a six-figure salary with HS. 

Mind you, the reason I italicized the word “former” before Amrou’s HS title, is I wanna’ let those of you reading this know how Amrou’s still working with HS—whether he confesses to it or not. Now, what you’re probably thinking is—well, you got any proof this guy is still working for HS? My answer to this is, I don’t need any, ‘cause I’m well acquainted with Amrou’s story already—now, lemme unpack what I mean.

About a decade ago, after I found out Tommy Sotomayor (if you don’t know who he is, “google” him) was a white fascist freemason, it made his mission, at least to me, crystal clear. Meaning, he was following the white fascist agenda of separating Black men from Black women. Only problem with “uncle” Tommy was, it’s painfully obvious he’s nothing more than a self-hating Black man. Thus, whitey had to recalibrate their tactics in regards to what kind of agent(s) they’d send into our community to keep Black men and women apart.

Enter the “Manosphere

After Tommy’s popularity made its precipitous fall, I started seeing “male-oriented” group’s emerge seemingly out of nowhere, with titles like “Mgtow” (Men Going Their Own Way), and “Red Pill”, which refers to the ideological mandates of mostly white males who’re duty bound to expose the “predatory” nature of females. Mind you, what these groups are really tasked to do, is keep Black men and women fighting each other, so we don’t procreate and produce more offspring with the most genetic power to breed whitey outta’ existence. So, this probably has you asking: bruh, if the “manosphere” is mostly populated with white males, then how does this harm Black people? Simply put, whitey’s agenda would be too obvious, if this phenomenon just happened solely in our communities—online or off. So, they gotta ‘make this community look like it’s a universal “grassroots” movement, this way they'll have more potential for success.

So, this means what? It means, when Amrou a.k.a. “Myron” tells his mostly young Black male audience they should avoid marriage and committing to one (Black) woman at all costs—we should realize he’s nothing but a eugenicist in “playaz” clothing.

Now, seeing this, I instantly made a correlation between what’s been going on in the manosphere and what’s been “happening” to Will Smith. So, at this point, you might be thinking, I don’t follow—what does the manosphere have to do with Will Smith? Welp fam, explaining this would require me to expose the hidden hand behind Jada Pinkett Smith’s behavior as of late-so lemme let y'all know, this is what I’m gonna’ do in the next “two” parts.

This said, let’s deep dive into Jada’s manufactured malevolence towards Will, while I expound on why Will’s being propped up as a "neutered" proxy for the greatest threat to whitey’s domination the world has ever known—the BLACK MAN. See y’all in part 2 fam...

MontUHURU Mimia

Part 2:

The “Power Couple” Dynamic

On April 4th, of 2008, Jay-Z and Beyonce wed at a private ceremony in Jay’s New York City penthouse. Now, in the tradition of Black “power couples” like Lebron and Savannah James, Michelle and Barack Obama, Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston, etc.—this pairing was arranged by the white fascist handlers who control Jay and Bey. This said, let’s now break down some peculiar coincidences surrounding their lives—especially in regards to the number “4”.

First off, Jay-Z’s birthday is on December 4th and Beyonce’s b-day is on September 4th—also, public media conglomerate “KQED” says Gloria Carter, Jay’s mom, has a birthday which falls on the fourth as well. Both Jay and Bey have tattoos on their ring fingers with the Roman numeral 4 on them, and one o’ Jay’s albums is titled “4:44”-so you get the idea. Now fam, I’m doing this to show how there’s nothing coincidental about these two marrying—and in keeping with this numerological theme, one of the tracks on Jay’s first album, “Reasonable Doubt”, is titled “22 Two’s”. Now, if we multiply 2 by 22, we get “44”. Also, if you add up “222” and “444” you get “666”.

Moreover, in freemasonic circles, 22 is not only a “master number”, but it’s meant to represent a freemason who’s a “Master Builder”. So, what Jay and Bey’s marriage  really “represents” is the building of a combined/doubly-powerful force to influence the “m(asses)”. Mind you, this is the same reason these white fascist freemasons paired Will and Jada Pinkett Smith together.

Part 3:

The esoteric purpose, parable, and pairing of Will and Jada Pinkett Smith

In 2014, I published a post titled, “the Defiling of Denzel Washington”. In it I detailed how I’d just seen the movie, “Flight”, and how this movie, along with “Training Day”, were congruent with Hollyweird’s agenda to destroy Denzel’s good name. See, Denzel did something Black men aren’t supposed to do—which is marry a Black woman, have Black children, and steer clear of public scandals. I saw this happen to Angela Bassett as well, right after the Marvel movie, “Black Panther” came out. white fascists created a video, where they had a fake screen test of Angela auditioning for the part of “Kilmonger”. Yeah, the part Michael B. Jordan played. See, Angela was just too feminine for a Black woman, so they did this to reinforce the stereotype of Black women being hyper-masculine.

Fast forward to July of 2020—on national television, we saw Jada Pinkett tell Will Smith, on her show “Red Table Talk”, about her “entanglement” with twenty-something R&B singer, August Alsina. This is all while whitey had Will looking like a battered basset hound complete with drooping red eyes and a deflated ego. Even more recently, Will put out a autobiographical book titled, “Will”, and a YouTube documentary to go with it-and, he's got his new movie out, “King Richard”, where he plays Richard Williams, father of tennis champions, Serena and Venus Williams. Now, in regards to Will’s YouTube documentary, it seems like he’s using this platform to confess the details of his father's alcoholism and abuse. So, here’s the question: how did Will’s seemingly charmed life turn so chaotic? Welp fam, lemme let ya’ in on a little secret…


See, Will, like Denzel, was too virtuous for a Black man. Thus, his white handlers had to take him through these “trials” for “3” reasons. 1. Will and Jada faked wrecking their relationship, in hopes of influencing other married Black couples to do the same. 2. The Red Table Talk discourse was staged to have Will looking emasculated, and this is the state white fascists want every Black man to be in, so we don't post any kind of threat(s), especially genetically, to them. 3. whitey wants to reinforce the stereotype of Black family’s being predisposed to inter-generational curses/dysfunctions, especially when it comes to Black men being abusive fathers-and this is done to dissuade us from starting families.  

Mind you , this is also the reason why, in regards to Will and Jada’s children, the boys act like girls and the girls act like boys (Willlow's shaved head). So, don’t feel bad for Will and Jada ‘cause their family is JUST FINE. They’re only pretending to hit a rough patch for the sake of staying in the good graces of the pale-skinned degenerates who pay them handsomely.

And like Samuel L. Jackson said in Spike Lee’s classic film, “Do the Right Thing”: “That’s the double truth, Ruth.”


MontUHURU Mimia

Fam, here's the Erika Badu song, "The Other Side of the Game" which inspired this post.

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