
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

3 ways Jill Scott, and Black women, can attract a 'marriage-minded' Black man...

In 2011, Jill Scott 'tweeted' how she was considering becoming a part of an 'open relationship'. To which 'Chili', formerly of the girl-group, 'TLC', tweeted back: 'Hell naw to open relationships!'

And even Monique, the female comedian/actress, said she was actually in one of these relationships/marriages. And I think we all know how Will and Jada Smith get down after hours; I'll delve into why this trend is happening a little later on.

But back to Jill...

Now, grapevine says Jill's currently single; and she kinda' made this emphatically clear with her appearance on the Arsenio Hall show back in September of 2013. And how she made this clear was by her style of dress.

Gone was the natural hair, the dashiki, the Birkenstocks and the new bohemian/earth mother vibe. She traded all that in to look like some weave headed, 'round-the-way' girl, you can find on any city block. She was wearing what looked like eight-inch heels, a tight skirt and she had her breasts nearly falling out of a button up shirt.

I just shook my head.

I'm hoping she now realizes why I, and so many men, had a crush on her in the first place It's because she didn't look like 'Jenny from the block'. And I think the reason she donned that 'costume' is she thought it was the best way for a single mother to attract a 'marriage-minded' Black man.

So, in case she hasn't found him yet, I'd like to present 3 ways Jill and Black women in general, can attract that marriage-minded or long-term relationship minded Black man that everyone says there's a dearth of.

1st Way: Ladies...turn your sexuality ALL THE WAY DOWN!

And notice I didn’t say turn your sexuality ‘off’. Now, what I mean when I say turn your sexuality ‘down’ is a truly marriage-minded, or long-term relationship minded Black man, is thinking about having children FIRST AND SEX LAST!

I can hear all the Black women now saying, “Yeah, right.”

To Black women reading this: I'm not saying a marriage-minded Black man is not interested in sex, I'm saying he's probably middle-aged or close to it, so he's had his fill of 'young man's trysts' enough to realize that those women he's had 'flings' with aren't marriage material. See, the reason this man has more than likely made himself emotionally and financially stable, is so he can actually have kids and support them. And more often than not, he doesn't realize this himself. He just knows how he intrinsically wants or needs something more from a woman, than for her to be a 'friend with benefits'.

Now, let me make something emphatically clear...if you're an early 'twenty-something' Black woman who's enjoying going to clubs every weekend, and/or you're just looking to 'get your groove on'...this post isn't for you. Mind you, at your age there's nothing wrong with that, but I'm talking to Black women who are essentially looking for potential husbands. I'm not speaking to Black women, young or old, who are looking for 'Mr. Right now’. 

Ya' see, one thing we need to be when considering someone to date, whether it’s on a long-term basis or not, is HONEST WITH OURSELVES. If we can't do that, we can't be that with anyone else.

Moving on...

The common mistake I see women making when they want to attract a marriage-minded man is how they go into full 'vixen' mode. They put on the shiniest lip gloss, the reddest lip stick, the tightest, shortest skirts and the sheerest tops. And what they wind up attracting is a twenty or thirty-something man with testosterone squirting out his ears, who only wants to be with them for a night. Now don’t get me wrong, a marriage-minded Black man will look at you if you dress this way too; difference is, he's got the ability to look at you and PAST YOU, in search of a woman who looks like she's worthy of a long-term commitment.

Know that you wanna' put away the 'club gear' in favor of something loose and free-flowing. Lengthen your dress, lessen your make-up, lose the spandex, and put away the pumps! The marriage-minded man is looking for a woman who looks good 'naturally'. Trust me, he's already seen the highest heels and the Black woman wearing four blond weaves and he's not impressed.

You want to adopt a some-what 'matronly' look. Now, let me define what I mean when I use the term 'matronly'. I'm not saying you should look disheveled, frumpy or like you just threw on whatever was on your closet's floor; I'm saying in the case of the marriage-minded Black man, he wants to see more of YOU and less of what you bought at a store.

And for those Black women who are worried about attracting a ‘mama’s boy’ behind adopting a more matronly look; first off, more than likely, a mama’s boy isn’t going to be looking for a seriously committed or long-term relationship. If he is, than you’ll be able to distinguish a man from a mama’s boy from his possessions or lack thereof. If he hasn’t got his own place, you know this is a boy you shouldn’t be with…then you can decide how to phase him out of your life.

2nd Way: Ladies...if you see a Black man who you think might be marriage, or long-term relationship minded, and you want to date him...DON'T TALK TO, TOUCH OR SMILE AT HIM FIRST! LET HIM PURSUE YOU!

The rise of 'feminism' came about in the seventies, spear-headed by Gloria Steinem; who is/was a CIA agent. And basically, the tenets of this philosophy said women should be able to do anything a man can do. AND THEY CAN! But understand, unlike what you'll hear from white supremacist freemasonic frauds, like Steve Harvey, if you adopt the edicts of feminism, and wanna' 'think like a man'…YOU'RE GOING TO ACT LIKE ONE TOO!


And if you're currently a Black feminist, you should understand how feminism was created to get women into the american workforce, so this government could tax their salaries. White fascists couldn't do that, if women were staying at home, being housewives. This movement had nothing to do with female empowerment. ESPECIALLY FOR BLACK WOMEN!

And if you're a Black woman, who needs more proof of this, then you should know how Susan B. Anthony, along with other white women, stated when Frederick Douglass was trying to get the right for Black people to vote, that the Black Diaspora shouldn't get the right to vote before white women did. So white feminism, even before it wasn't called 'feminism', has nothing to do with the liberation of Black people.

I'm speaking on feminism, 'cause with its rise, Black women have been told it's okay to make the 'first move' on a man. And yes, this is socially acceptable, but it's wholly ineffective when you're looking for a man who’s marriage-minded. Let me explain why.

Ladies, if you were to go up to a man, and casually smile at him and say hello, the majority of you would probably feel this is a good way of getting to know, and/or, getting to date this man. But let me tell you what this man is thinking...

The man who sees you smiling at him, automatically thinks, she's good for SEX, BUT NOT A RELATIONSHIP! And this is regardless of ethnicity, 'cause I know some women will think this is only indicative of Black men.

The reason this happens is, a man seeing you randomly walking up to, or smiling and talking to him, automatically thinks you've done this with several other men; possibly that same day or night. And, on a deeper level, in his heart, he feels this is an indication of your being oversexed and from an unstable and abusive household. NOW, THIS MAY NOT BE TRUE...BUT THIS IS WHAT A MAN WILL THINK! And the last impression you want to make on a man, is this one.

So you might be thinking, if I don't talk to, touch or speak to this man first, how's he gonna' know I'm interested?

The best way to show a man this, is to get physically 'closer' to him, and start mirroring his movements. If you're in an office, and this man goes to the break room and gets a cup of coffee, get one yourself. Or, if you're at a social function, and he picks up one of the free beverages, grab one too. If you're sitting next to him, and he crosses his legs, do the same. If he puts his hand under his chin, subtly do this as well. Subtlety is the key! Now, any man with half a brain will pick on this, and start talking to you...THEN YOU'VE GOT HIM! ON YOUR TERMS! 

And the added benefit of this is, because you weren't perceived as making the 'first move', you'll make him feel like he PURSUED YOU! Which automatically makes you more of a prize to him; thus ladies, he’ll cater to more of your wants and needs.

And if this fails ladies…you can try eye contact. Now, I saved this for last because excessive eye contact can defeat your goal. If you're going to look at a man to let him know you find him attractive, do it for a SPLIT SECOND!

Looking at a man for more than this, denotes desperation; which in turn tells him again, that you may not be very selective about which kind of man you're attracted to. A three second look, can quickly turn into a stare.

And remember, I'm not writing this post for the Black woman who wants to 'casually date'; again, this is for a Black woman wanting a marriage-minded Black man, FOR REAL!

3rd Way: Ladies...LOSE THE ADORNMENTS!

Are you a Black woman who wears highlights in her hair? Or did you dye your short, natural hair, peroxide blond? Do you have a tongue, nipple and navel piercings? Or are you thinking about getting one or more tattoos?

Remember, in the case of attracting a marriage-minded Black man; every one of these, is a red flag.

Now, is there anything wrong with wearing tattoos and twelve earrings in each lobe? Of course not. But understand, excessive amounts of trinkets on a woman's body says to a marriage-minded man, that you’re probably materialistic and/or oversexed…especially in the case of tattoos.

When a man looks at a tattoo on a woman's body, no matter how well it's designed, all he sees is: Bob, Ted, James, Rick, George, Barron and Debra were here.

Again, is there anything wrong with wearing tattoos, of course not; but the woman trying to attract a marriage-minded Black man, has to begin thinking differently. Meaning, if you already have a tattoo, DONT' GET ANOTHER ONE! Take the twelve extra earrings out of each lobe and don't wear a ring on each finger. Like I've said before, the marriage-minded man wants to see more of YOU in a natural state.

Now that we've gotten those out of the way, let’s discuss two questions Black women must ask themselves, if they’re really serious about attracting this type of Black man.

Question 1: Do you know who you're attracting and who you're attracted to?

Now, in a previous post, I had this as a title, and it pertained more to every ethnic group; and it always will in terms of knowing what to personally expect in terms of dating. But in the case of Black women and men, this is an especially pertinent question, here's why...

Because Black men and women have the most genetic power to breed whites out of existence, we've been taught to hate ourselves and each other by white fascists, more than any other ethnic group on this planet. Now, you might be thinking, aw, that's hyperbolic non-sense. But every Black person needs to understand why the american school system, taught us our history was comprised solely of slavery and Martin Luthter King.

Now, let's take a look at MLK; a non-violent pacifist for Black human rights, who died violently. And understand, more than anyone else, white fascists want Black people to adopt the tenets of passive, non-violent resistance, because they fear the retribution that's due to them from our diaspora. Trust me, they know they've committed the world's greatest atrocities, and still do, to our people.

In the case of slavery, we’re mandated to learn this, as a method of imbuing america's Black Diaspora with insanely high amounts of shame. 

And what this did to us in pre, middle and high school, is reinforce reasons why we should hate ourselves for being Black. I remember telling a friend of mine, how a Black 'conscious' community's debate, nearly ended in fisticuffs. My friend promptly said, oh well, you know Black people sold each other into slavery...basically implying that we're just predisposed to hurt and hate each other. I had to tell him that whites sold each other into slavery too; I also had to tell him that the very word 'slave' comes from the 'Slavic' people, and how 'Yugoslavia' was named for its white slaves.

So beyond the fact that we each have to remember what kind of household we came from, because, if you come from an unstable and abusive household, you're gonna' be attracting and attracted to, people from unstable and abusive households; we have to come to terms with the fact that damn near every facet of the american social order, is socially engineered to keep the Black man and woman apart.

Don't believe me? All you gotta' do is look at the latest TV shows, movies and commercials. When's the last time you saw a TV show or movie about a Black man and woman who genuinely loved and cared about each other? Every time I turn on the TV, I see a Black man paired with a white woman, or a Black woman paired with a white man.

Which leads me to the second question...and Black women...this is the most important question, and point, of this whole post...


This is THE MOST important question any Black woman who's trying to attract a marriage-minded Black man, HAS to ask herself!

And I need every Black woman reading this to be completely honest with herself; 'cause this will determine whether you’ll have a real chance at being with a marriage-minded Black man, if you indeed want to be with one in the first place.

Did you grow up in a single-mother headed household where all you heard about Black men was, they're NO DAMN GOOD! Do you have a good relationship with your father? Was he in your life the majority of the time? Did you see a lot of Black men mistreat your mother?

Understand, if you're a Black woman who consciously or subconsciously hates Black men, then it's CHECK AND MATE...THE GAME'S OVER! In terms of finding or being with a marriage-minded Black man.

Also know, that the reason Jill Scott, Monique, and Will and Jada Smith are extolling the virtues of ‘open relationships’, is for two distinct reasons. One, they’re all white supremacist freemasons, who’ve been tasked to do this by their masters, to keep their celebrity status; and two, white fascists know, ‘open-relationhips’ are DOOMED RELATIONSHIPS! 

So Black men and women adopting this ‘trend’, would be kept out of traditional, monogamous, and potentially successful relationships; thus, we can be more separated than we already are. This is what I mean by every facet of the american social order being geared towards keeping the Black man from the Black woman.

But if you're a Black woman who’s still thinking: isn't every Black father just naturally absent from the home? Know, mine’s wasn't. And to expound on this point, I remember a Black woman asking Eddie Levert, the famous singer from the group, 'The O'jay's', why can't Black men stay with their families?

Now, what this woman didn't realize is, not only how white fascist social engineering played every part of separating the Black man and woman, but how it ultimately destroyed the Black ‘nuclear’ family; at least in america. And here's just one example...

The 'Black Wall Street', was an area in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where several Black men were millionaires behind owning banks, hospitals, retail stores, bus lines, airplanes, etc. And this was during the turn of the twentieth century. Under segregation, this area and areas like it fostered a cohesion between Black men and women, and the Black nuclear family was very much intact.

Problem is, white fascists thought Black people and their dollars were getting too powerful, and in 1921, they bombed the Black Wall Street.

But these fascists weren't stupid; they thought, if we keep these people segregated, they're just gonna' build back up their businesses, and we'll have to destroy these areas continually. So they wondered how they could get these Black dollars into their pockets, and keep them there more easily.

Enter 'integration' and Martin Luther King jr...

Now, these same white fascists understood how they'd conditioned us to love them and hate ourselves in the slave trade, so they knew we'd jump at the chance to just sit next to one of them. And with that negro preacher MLK at the helm, co-signing this, it was sure to be a hit with Black folks.

And it worked!

Black people gladly walked away from areas like the Black Wall Street, thinking we'd have more opportunity with our closer proximity to whites.

Now, whitey understood when we left our businesses, we'd be destitute and dependent on him.

If you've ever read the 'Willie Lynch Letter', and if you don't know what that is, google it; the main tenet of it is, that white fascists had to separate the Black woman from the Black man. So what these fascist-run institutions did was, knowing we'd be hard pressed for money, they gave Black women the government subsidies they'd need to survive...there was just one stipulation; THEY HAD TO GET RID OF THE BLACK MAN, TO QUALIFY FOR THEM!

And while the Black woman was kept dependent on this white fascist government, the Black man was kept destitute and was stereotyped as a criminal. This drove a wedge between us that exists, and has deepened, to this day.

So you see, integration was a trick played on the Black Diaspora…point blank, period.

Now, in conjunction with the american education that teaches us to hate ourselves and each other, is it any wonder that it’s so hard for Black men and women to form loving relationships?

So again, if you're a Black woman reading this, the question still stands: are you conditioned to hate Black men?

And how would you know if you are?

What would be helpful in finding this out is talking to a friend or relative who's seen you around Black men you've dated. Ask them candidly, did I look like I held any grudge or animosity towards them? Did I, or do I, act short-tempered around Black men?

Asking this of a Black male relative, who's seen you with a Black man you were dating, can be especially helpful; one you can trust to be truthful with you. Also, if you have a non-Black woman-friend, this person might have the ability to be a bit more objective, than the average Black person who's been conditioned with the same biases that’ve been bred into the Black Diaspora.

Let me also say this, I fancy myself a ‘Black Nationalist’; and my particular stripe of Black Nationalism deals with our being ‘hyper-self-aware’; especially pertaining to what’s going on in our subconscious minds. It’s why in my past posts, I talk about meditative techniques to recondition ourselves out of the white supremacist induced self-hatred, that’s practically force-fed into us, in the guise of an american education.

So dating for us, isn’t just about dating; it’s about realizing what’s been done to us, so Black men and women can see each other in a different light. And by acknowledging this, hopefully, it’ll kill off the bias of self-loathing that keeps us from loving ourselves and each other.

All my life, I’ve heard Black people say, we don’t stick together, and we don’t like working together; so with the aforementioned explanation of what’s been done to us; I hope any Black person reading this, now knows why.

Now, if you're a Black man reading this who considers himself marriage-minded, I've got a question for you: are you conditioned to hate Black women?

What I'm trying to get across, ad nauseum at this point, is...BOTH BLACK MEN AND BLACK WOMEN HAVE GOTTEN PLAYED!!

While we stay spittin' mad at each other, and wonder why there's so much dysfunction in our ethnic group, we have no idea how the head inbreds I call white fascists, have completely taught us to hate ourselves and each other.

Now, here's the real, real question to Black men and women reading this: if you have got the message of what whites have done to us, and why it's so hard for us to form loving relationships, ARE YOU WILLING TO DO THE WORK TO CHANGE?

See, some of us already know this, but just don't care. We're so comfortable in our conditioned self-hatred, that the overwhelming majority of us will go to our graves hating ourselves and everyone who looks like us.

So, I hope the majority of Black men and women reading this, will do the work necessary to rid themselves of our conditioned self-hatred. And whether you do this by meditating, chanting, positive visualization, etc. doesn't matter. 

Do what works best for you!

Now, I hope I've given Black men and women reading this some real food for thought. And I'm hoping this post gives every Black man or woman reading it a clue as to why you might have, or still now, feel negative about yourself and your people. 

And just knowing this, can help Black men and women see ourselves in a different light; so maybe it won't be such an ordeal for us to find that 'marriage-minded' Black man...or woman.


MontUHURU Mimia


If you'd like to read the first post I wrote on Jill Scott, you can do that here.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The gospel of white supremacy (Part 6)...The legacy of David Icke...

David Vaughn Icke was born on April 29th, 1952, to Beric Vaughn and Barbara Icke, in Leicester, England. He was the middle child of two brothers; one who was seven years older, and another seven years younger; (This to me, already smacks of Dave's family belonging to a 'blueish' blood line, considering how popular the number 7 is in secret fraternities; but we'll get to more of that later). 

David's father Beric, was enlisted in the 'Royal Air Force', where he won a 'British Empire Medal' for gallantry in 1943. After this, Beric found a job in the 'Gent's' clock factory, and according to Dave, behind having this meager job, Beric could only afford to offer his family a 'hand-to-mouth' existence. 

According to Dave, as a child he was forced to hide when the landlord came around to collect the rent. 

The young David Icke was described as a 'loner', who spent hours playing with toy trains. It was also said that as a youth, Dave preferred crossing the street, rather than engaging someone in conversation. Friends accounts of a young David, spoke to how he was so painfully shy, that he would nearly faint at his school's 'morning assembly'. A family doctor recommended Dave see a children's psychologist, but Dave's father was adamantly against the idea. 

One thing a young David did excel at though, was athletics; and at nine, he was chosen for his school's football team. And the sport of 'football' I'm referring to, is what american's call 'soccer'. After having difficulties academically, he left school at fifteen, when he was drafted by a talent scout for a 'minor-league' soccer team. Dave made a career of this, until his being afflicted by Rheumatoid arthritis, forced him to retire at age 21. 

After his sports career, Dave landed a job as a reporter for the weekly newspaper, the 'Leicester Advertiser'. After that, he moved onto jobs with the 'Leicester News Agency', where he did some work for BBC radio and 'Free' radio in Birmingham, England. For the uninitiated, 'Free' radio, is the equivalent of 'National Public Radio' in america. 

Dave graduated through the ranks of news broadcasting, and eventually landed a spot on british TV's, first morning 'breakfast' newscast called, BBC's 'Breakfast Time', on January 17th, 1983. There, he was a 'sportscaster' until 1985. He also published his first book at this time titled, 'It's a tough game, son!', about breaking into professional football. 

Supposedly, it was in this span of years, that Dave began to 'experiment' with fringe medicines to relieve his arthritic pains. He wrote a second book in 1989 called, 'It doesn't have to be like this', fostered by his interest in 'Green Politics'. Dave also became a leading spokesperson for England's 'Green Party'. 'The Observer' newspaper, called Dave, the Green Party's, 'Tony Blair' (if you don't know who Tony Blair is, google him).

It was about this time, Dave said he continuously felt a 'spiritual presence' around him; and this was also a period, where he began consulting with a psychic healer named Betty Shine. Now, allegedly, upon his third meeting with Betty, she told him that the 'spirit world' had a message for him. She told Dave he'd been sent to earth to 'heal' it, and also said he'd become world famous while doing this. She also told him, he'd face some opposition. Mind you, at this time, Dave was a bona-fide celebrity, due to his years on TV. He had a lot to lose by divulging this the story goes. 

Dave said he'd been 'channeling' for some time on his own, and it was in one of these sessions, he found out he's something called a 'Son of the Godhead'. This meaning, he was declaring himself the cult leader of something he nebulously termed, the 'Infinite Mind'. This is what Dave espoused on BBC's, the 'Terry Wogan' show, on April 29th, 1991. 

Now, the Terry Wogan show, was the equivalent of america's, 'The Johnny Carson' show. So this was Dave, the TV celebrity, proclaiming these views, along with his hypothesis, that the world's truest elite members, were descendents of shape-shifting reptilian aliens, who've come to this planet from another dimension. 

Dave and another of his luminaries, namely, Zecharia Setchin, state that these creatures came to earth for its mineral resources. Specifically, they say, these aliens came for the earth's 'monotamic gold'. By ingesting this, it's said these aliens, called the 'Annunaki', can process vast amounts of information, speed up trans-dimentional travel, and shape-shift from alien to human form, and back again. Dave further argues how the Annunaki are a race of gods coming out of the 'Babylonian creation myth', in his book, 'The biggest secret', that he published in 1999. 

Now, I came into the knowledge of David Icke from a former co-worker. It was at this time, my mind was being plaqued with one question: how the hell did white people wind up on top?

This didn't make any sense to me, based on my knowing that whites are the world's minority, and knowing ancient Black civilizations were the global super-powers for the majority of the world's existence. And I knew some force outside the circle of white people had to be running the show. So when I heard Dave's message, my ears perked up enough for me to do my own research. 

The co-worker who put me on to Dave, had a spare ticket to one of his lectures, and asked me to go. And I did. And it was at this lecture, that my melanated mind told me who this guy really was, and is. 

At the lecture, Dave said emphatically: "I just happen to live on an island, with the highest concentration of freemasons in the world." Now, even though I figured out he was talking about britian, something in that statement, told me, he was one of them. 

If you're a Black man or woman reading this, understand, it's gonna' be your melanated mind that will help you discern frauds, from those who have a righteous message. Remember, your truest wisdom, or what makes you truly smart, is your melanated spirituality. Always trust this to reveal the truth. 

Now, let's delve into the research my melanated mind led me to, that finally revealed David Icke the man, and his underhanded message. 

Recently, I distinctly remembered hearing Steven Spielberg, the famous movie director, talking about how aliens built the pyramids. David Icke is just a louder, more tenured spokesperson for this's why. 

More and more Black/indigenous people are finding out that our ancestors not only built the pyramids, but created ALL of the world's ARTS AND SCIENCES. 

Once again, I'll emphatically state, that astronomy, astrology, calculus, trigonometry, physics, and any other science you can name, was created by ANCIENT BLACK/INDIGENOUS PEOPLE! 


And, I'll also say, don't take my word for any of this, go do your own research!

Now, with Black people waking up to the aforementioned fact, and white birth rates falling below replacement levels, a gargantuan campaign had to be implemented, tricking Black folks into believing some force outside themselves, were responsible for creating ancient feats of ingenuity like the pyramids.

Enter David Icke...

Now, the Terry Wogan show was Dave's 'coming out' party. This was basically where he'd start this propaganda campaign, and bring it into mainstream view. 

Now, in 2010, I saw David Icke in a mid-sized theater in NYC. And in 2012, last year and this year, he began playing in 'Wembly Arena'. His loyal fans now number in the multi-millions. 

And now, David Icke has a net worth of 10 million dollars. 

See, the white supremacist trick of convincing everyone, and Black folks especially, that aliens built the pyramids, or were responsible for these levels of ingenuity, isn't new. What's new is the celebrity power that white fascists have put behind it. 

David Icke is now on a lecture tour that has a 'stadium-quality' production value; this includes props and dancers. I've included a trailer of one of his latest lectures, it looks like a Broadway show.
And if you'd like further proof of his message, being one that discredits the ingenuity of ancient, and current Black people, take a look to the left at one of his tour posters. 

What do you notice most about it?

What you should notice, is how Dave, a white man, is enshrouded in an even whiter color, with the message, 'Remember who you are'. This is indeed a rallying cry to his people, that they should always remember, they are the rulers of this world. And how they are the masters of this world 'cause they've been force-fed the lie, that they're the creators of every one of the world's innovations. Regardless of any information they get to the contrary. Problem is, Black people especially, are finding out this is a bald-faced lie, perpetrated by a white supremacist school curriculum that was forced on them/us.

And mind you, these innovations aren't just part of ancient history. I'll leave a link for the post I did on Henry T. Sampson and his invention of the 'Gamma Electric Cell', which is where we get the term 'cell-phone' from. And without this device, your cell-phone won't work!

So, I've said all that to say this, if you should come across this shyster's message, you now know he's another agent provocateur carrying an outdated message, for a new generation. 

So as the ingenious rap group 'Public Enemy' once said, 'Don't believe the hype'. And if you happen to see Dave on TV, turn the channel; or go watch the movie, 'The Spook Who Sat By The Door' one mo' time.

You'll be glad ya' did!



Below is a vid of Dave's 'stadium show' from 2012; and if you wanna' read about the ingenuity of brotha Henry T. Sampson, you can do that here. 


There may be a sequel to this post, being that I was rushing to get this done. There are some other points I wanted to make about David and some issues I mentioned here, that I wanted to delve deeper into; so be on the look out for that.  

P.P.P.S. (lol)

If you'd like to see the five previous posts belonging to this series, you can do that here: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4  Part 5  

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The virutes of segregation (Part 3)...The ballad of Ray Robinson...

Perry Ray Robinson Jr., was born on September 12th, 1937, in Washington D.C.

Ray was reared in the 'Civil Rights' and 'integration' struggles of the fifties, and according to people who knew him was at the Washington Mall on the day Martin Luther King jr., made his famous 'I have a dream' speech. He also attended the 1964 funeral of three white civil rights workers killed in Mississippi. And in 1968, Robinson was among the protesters who set up Resurrection City, a camp at the Washington Mall. 

"Ray was always involved in justice for everybody," said his younger sister, Naima Latif of Pittsboro, N.C. "He was a nonconformist to the status quo. If it was unjust, he wouldn't go along with it."  

Even the way Robinson filled out his children's birth certificates showed his disdain for separating people by ethnicity. Instead of filling in the blank next to "Negro" or "colored," he crossed it out and wrote
in "human" each time.  

In a quest to further display his 'human' solidarity, Ray volunteered to travel to South Dakota's, 'Pine Ridge Indian Reservation', in April of 1973. There, he stood alongside american indians in their fight against the machinations of white supremacy. He integrated himself into the ranks of the 'american indian movement' (or AIM), and their occupation of the reservation village of 'Wounded Knee' in South Dakota. 

This stand off against factions of american federal officers and american indians lasted 71 days, and left two indian tribal members dead and a federal agent seriously wounded. And unfortunately, it also took the life of brotha Ray Robinson.  

Now, you might be thinking, Ray fought valiantly against the american federal agents, which ultimately brought about his demise; but you'd be wrong. Ray was not killed by american authorities, he was killed by members of AIM, who mistook him for a federal agent. Simply because he was Black.

Some reports even say he was 'tortured', then murdered, by these american indians.  

Buswell-Robinson, of Detroit, Ray's wife, said her husband's nonviolent approach conflicted with the violent situation at Wounded Knee and it's possible AIM members suspected he was a federal informant. The personable, 6-foot-2 black man with a deep baritone voice, would have stood out on a midwest american indian reservation, she said.

According to the FBI documents, an unidentified cooperating witness told agents that, "Robinson had been tortured and murdered within the AIM occupation perimeter, and then his remains were buried 'in the hills'."

Any search or excavation attempts would likely be complicated by the reservation's sovereign status. Buswell-Robinson and her two daughters, traveled to Wounded Knee in 2004 to walk areas that Robinson likely walked, but they came back without answers. For years, they've been trying to locate Ray's remains to give him a proper burial.

And for decades, AIM leaders have denied knowledge of Robinson's death. One witness told agents that AIM leader Vernon Bellecourt, who died in 2007, knew Robinson had been killed and, "made a statement to the effect that AIM had 'really managed to keep a tight lid on that one' over the years'."

Clyde Bellecourt, AIM's co-founder, when asked about Ray, questioned why the FBI wasn't spending its time investigating the many unsolved american indian deaths during 'Wounded Knee'.

"There's never been a grand jury hearing on any of them." Clyde said.

Now, if you're a Black man or woman reading this, I'd like you to take this story into consideration the next time you or any other Black person wants to brag about having 'indian in your family'.

Recently, I got into a heated debate with a so-called native american, behind his extolling the virtues of the 'white moral highground'. Firstly, Black people are the real 'native americans', 'cause we were here before them; look up the 'Washitaw Moors' if you want to know who was in america before the american indians. Second, when I asked how this american indian could talk about the virtues of white people, after what they'd done to his people, he told me his people's 'casinos' were making them rich and they didn't pay federal taxes. When I asked if he was personally rich from his people owning casinos, I didn't hear back from him. Moreover, if they are indigenous people, like they claim, why are they paying any american taxes?

Moving on...

So, I'm relaying this story here to tell Black people, it's high time we stopped talking about the many benefits of 'multi-culturalism'. This mainstreamed multicultural campaign is just a ruse used by white and other non-white americans, to tell Black people that we shouldn't ever think about ourselves exclusively in the context of human rights struggles. And, it's telling us we shouldn't follow the examples of every other ethnic group, who only think about themselves. 

Like I've said before in this blog, the 'integration' initiatives of Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King jr., were just tricks played on Black people to make us walk away from the thriving business economy we'd created separate from the american social order. Meaning, our dollars were getting too powerful, so whitey had to figure out a way to get them in his/her pockets. 

And again, the reason we did walk away from our own businesses, was we'd been conditioned by white fascists, especially in the american educational system, to love them and hate ourselves. So we thought, any closer proximity to whites would be a boom for Black people. And we bit the bait. And white fascists knew we would, 'cause they understood how they'd conditioned us. 

So I've said all that to say this...THE BLACK DIASPORA HAS NO FRIENDS!



Remember, our strength is not in our dollars, but in our UNITY! 

So that's what's needed to get outta' this white supremacist induced, mental strangle-hold we're in. 

Now again, if you're a Black man or woman reading this, ask yourself: do you care whether or not Black people unite for their betterment? Do you care about healing the rift between the Black man and woman so we can save the Black family?

Now, if you don't, you've wasted your time coming to my Blog in the first place. But if you do, the first step is not trying to convince every Black person to adopt your opinion, the first step is changing YOUR OWN MIND!

How we get outta' this, is ridding ourselves of the self-hatred bred into us by white supremacists and their institutions. It involves you doing the work, especially at the subconscious level, to stop feeling inferior to every other ethnic group because of your color. 

And even if you don't wanna' do any of the subconscious work to change, if we can collectively acknowledge what's been done to us, we'll be able to see ourselves and each other in a different light. 

So let's get to work!

Ma'at Hotep!

MontUHURU Mimia


If you'd like to see the other two parts of this series, you can do that here: Part 1 Part 2

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Conditioned air and the legend of Frederick McKinley Jones...

Recently, the temperature in my city hit the eighty degree mark. Now, even though that's nothing unusual for this time of year, after coming out of a brutal winter, those kinds of drastic changes in temperature, do have an effect on people. Oddly enough, that day, I actually wiped some sweat off my brow.

Then, I entered a mall. And immediately, I was comforted by the deliciously crisp, coolness of air conditioning. And as I breathed in the ambrosial air, and traversed past several retail shops, a recurring thought came to me. Not only did the presence of conditioned air make me realize that spring had officially sprung; but as I looked around at hordes of white people placidly shopping, I thought about how the air had been 'conditioned' to make me more comfortable, and how collectively, the minds of Black folk have been thoroughly conditioned, to make them more comfortable around us.

Then, I thought about a factoid that I heard an elder brotha state on TV; and it made me curious enough to do some research on air conditioning. And here's what I found in that research...

Frederick McKinley Jones, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio on May 17th, 1893. He was abandoned at age nine and raised in a Kentucky orphanage. Being that Jones was a young Black man, this environment was probably exceptionally hostile, so Fred left school and the orphanage after sixth grade, to return to Cincinnati. Once there, he got a job as a maintenance worker, and by age fourteen, he was working as a car mechanic.

Jones had a natural mechanical ability and a very curious mind that he fed with his independent reading and studies. In 1912, Jones moved to Hallock, Minnesota, where he again worked as a mechanic, but this time, it was for a farm. After this, Fred served a stint in the armed forces during World War I. Then he returned to Hallock, and while still employed as a mechanic, taught himself the fundamentals of electronics. Shortly thereafter, he built a transmitter for the town's new radio station. He also invented a device that could synch sound with motion pictures. This caught the attention of Joesph Numero, who hired him to work in his company, Cinema Supplies Inc. in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The year was 1930.

Now, in 1935, Fred would create the invention that should have made him famous. One day, an executive of his company, complained about his farm products spoiling during shipping. When Fred's employer hinted to other executives, how they should build a truck that could keep farm products fresh in transit, Fred went to work creating the idea. He cobbled together disparate mechanical parts, and when he was finished, he attached his invention onto a truck's frame.

Frederick McKinely Jones had just invented the world's first refrigerated truck. This meant perishable food items could be transported without the risk of spoilage.

Jones’s invention was an instant commercial success. His employer formed a company to make the new machines, and Jones became vice-president of the company. Jone’s mechanical refrigerating system was soon placed in ships and railway cars. And today, that same system is used to transport rocket fuel. Fred's refrigeration unit, became the first product of the 'Thermo King Corporation', supposedly founded by Joe Numero...but we all know, or should know, that 'Thermo King' was really founded by Fred Jones.

But there's more/Moor to this story...when Fred was enlisted in the armed forces during World War I, he created another invention; this one, was a portable AIR CONDITIONER, that the u.s. government used to preserve medicines and blood serum.

After doing some more research, you'll find that Fred had 61 patents to his name. Several other inventions that he never patented, were nonetheless, ripped off by whites. But some inventions he did secure patents for include: a portable 'X-ray' machine, sound equipment and gasoline engines. And evidence points to Fred being the one who created the first device for 'talking' movies, when he worked at Joe's other company, Cinema Supplies Inc. Fred just never got this invention patented.


Now, if you're a Black man or woman reading this, the next time you enter any retail space, government office, or even your own home, and feel some conditioned air, know that one of your own kind was responsible for this feat of ingenuity.

*Side note: I can distinctly remember reading a white journalist's article about the pioneers of early cinema. In it, the journalist says emphatically, that Black people had no hand in the earliest inventions of modern day film-making. Now, I knew that had to be a lie, but I didn't have any evidence to back that up. But Fred Jones' invention that bought in the era of ‘talking’ movies, proves that the white journalist's statement was completely bogus. And the moral of Fred's story is, if you do enough research into any of the world's sciences...or inventions, you will find the Black Diaspora at their genesis.

And like Sam Jackson said in the movie, 'Do the Right Thing': “That's the triple truth, Ruth.”



Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Do I hate white people?

About a year ago, a friend of mine and I were driving to see one of his good acquaintances. Once we got to the guy's residence, my friend made a point to tell me, pretty emphatically, that his friend was white. 

I responded by telling him, it wasn't a problem, being that I'm comfortable in mixed company. Besides this fact, I've worked with a good amount of these people for the overwhelming majority of my life. Now, I understand how I can sound when I speak on the machinations of white supremacy, but I didn't know I came off as that intolerant around him. So, I wanted to address this issue here. 

And, like I've said in previous posts, there's been an upswing of activity on my Tommy Sotomayor threads, and I don't know what this is attributable to; maybe Uncle Tom has a new white woman friend he's trying to show off or something. But there was a woman recently who left a comment on my post: 'Why I no longer listen to Tommy Sotomayor', who said my rants about white people are just as bad as how Uncle Tom talks about Black women. I told this woman why that was non-sense; but once again, I'd like to expound on how I talk about whites on this blog. 

Now, for the Black men and women reading this Blog, frequently or infrequently, I'd like everyone of you to know, that I'm not sitting in some small room, 24 hours a day, obsessing over how much I hate Uncle Tom or white people. I do have a life.

And I want to state this emphatically, I am NOT going around hitting whites over the head with a! And I am not encouraging any Black person reading this to either. My intention with these posts, and my Blog, isn't to 'radicalize' people into physical violence against whites; I am trying to give you a different perspective on the dysfunction in the Black Diaspora, for purposes of us coming out of our conditioned self-hatred. 

I'd also like to say, I can get along with any INDIVIDUAL! And this includes white people. What I'm commenting on here, is the collective 1% of white fascists who are essentially out to exterminate Black people. The other 99% of whites, really don't have a clue as to how these fascists operate, although, they should know how they benefit from white fascism. I'd also like to add, endeavoring to hate anyone, will ultimately wind up in a 'self-hatred'. And the last thing Black people need more of, is that.

I'd also like to say, the reason I probably come off as harshly as I do towards whites, is 'cause I've not only seen how this white supremacist sickness, has affected my mind and the mind of my people; but I've also seen how its affected my own 'nuclear' family. 

My father was severely affected by the disease of white supremacy; and it resulted in creating a deep schism amongst us. 

Now, what we usually hear about the Black 'nuclear' family, is how young Black men and women are raised in fatherless, single mother headed households. I didn't have that experience. My father was always present in my life and was very hard-working. I'd seen him work two, and sometimes, three jobs at a time. And one of my earliest childhood memories, was looking in my kitchen's refrigerator, and seeing it completely stocked with food. So much so, that it seemed nothing else could fit. I never went to bed hungry and I never had to worry about the lights being cut off, or enduring winters with no heat. I'd heard about those things, but I'd never encountered them personally. I spent my grade school years in a catholic school, and my high school years in a specialized arts school. So my parents provided me with a very good education; my mother especially, wanted to make sure I read well, because she encountered too many Black men that couldn't. 

So for all intents and purposes, we were a very financially stable, and functioning Black family. With one exception.

I remember my father telling me, one of his earliest childhood memories, was of being yanked to the ground, and out of the way of white people walking towards him, on the same side of the street. His mother did this to him. Because in mississippi, where my father was born, back in the day, if you unintentionally bumped into a white person, the consequences could be deadly. An example of this might be the Emmett Till story; even though young Emmett whistled at a white woman, and was brutally murdered for this. And if you don't know who this young brotha was, google him. But the environment my father grew up in, was so extremely hostile to Black people, that whenever you were in the proximity of whites, you were almost literally, walking on egg shells to make sure they were comfortable with you. Now, given this environment, coupled with the american educational system's curriculum, that's specifically designed to make Black people hate themselves and each other, my father almost had no psychic defense against the force-fed self-loathing he'd been indoctrinated into, for being born a Black man. 

As a result of growing up in such a hostile environment, my father had a life-long indignation towards whites. But there was a flip side to his indignation; you see, consciously, he had this animosity towards white people...which I have to admit, I picked up on a little, lol. But subconsciously, my father had been made to love white people, just as much, or possibly more, than he loved himself. Now, I do have a brother. And my brother is darker-skinned than I am. Behind this, and my father's subconscious conditioning, he doted on me because I was lighter-skinned, and shunned him. And I really don't know, if my father realized why he was doing this. But it resulted not only in my brother's home-life being made very unstable, but it created a deep schism between my brother and I, that exists to this day.

This destroyed our relationship, and I don't think that will ever be resolved. 

Now, to top this off, I see not only what this white supremacist school system has done to my father's mind, but my own and the minds of my people. Black people have been so conditioned to hate ourselves and each other, that Black men and women now-a-days, can barely form loving relationships anymore. Back in my father's day, there was still a cohesion between Black men and women. That's also been totally destroyed by these fascist, pale-skinned degenerates. 

So, I hope this sheds some light on why I'm hard on whitey. 

And this should also explain, how my views against white fascists were formulated; so you can understand, how my gripe with white supremacists isn't business, it's personal. 

Now, armed with this information, the readers of this Blog, can decide for themselves, whether or not they want to stick around for what I'll be posting here in the future. 

And understand, I'm fully aware that this blog could be three times as popular, if I'd adopt an 'ethnically neutral' or 'multicultural' stance. 

If I really wanted to 'hustle' on this blog, I'd tout myself as a Black male christian, and post bible verses about prosperity; and talk about how we're all the same under the skin...and all that non-sense. 

And I'd say to any white, spanish, asian or american indian person who visits this blog, and is offended by something I say about them, that you should find another blog to visit. 


And quite frankly, I'd prefer you didn't come back. 

And to the Black men and women looking at my Blog, I'd say, stay tuned. If for no other reason, than I'm in the intermediate phases of curating this blog, and I've got some very interesting projects coming up in the future; and this includes a full length novel I've been working on, which is almost finished.  

And one last thing, seeing how my father was mentally conflicted about his relationship with whites, is why I continuously stress, that Black people need to recondition themselves out of our self-hatred, at the 'sub-conscious' level(s). 'Cause that's what's truly running the whole of our bodies and minds. 

And ultimately, this is the only thing, that will truly set us free.


MontUHURU Mimia