
Sunday, August 12, 2018

The end of feminism (Part 3)...The Black female "Iron Man", the Dora Milaje, the "forgive #METOO" movement, Korean Nail Salons, Dr. Venus Opal Reese, and one mo' comment 'bout the white fascist attack on Black femininity...

In 2016, a Black female journalist working for CNN in Paris, France, wrote a newspaper article explaining why Marvel was turning Tony Stark's alter-ego, “Iron Man”, into a young, Black woman.

Now, the article gave wholesale explanations about why this was so revolutionary, and how it was a boom for young, Black females everywhere. So essentially, the Marvel brass were turning Tony, into a teen-aged, Black female named “Riri Williams”. And Riri's mythology, involved her attending the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, at age 15—which I don't have a problem with, since several of our prodigious young people have attended “Ivy League” colleges in their teens—and one day I'll write a post about that. And Riri's backstory also says she came to the attention of a middle-aged Tony Stark, cause she built an “Iron Man suit”, in her dorm room.

Now, before we start singing Marvel's praises, let me tell you why I'm opposed to a young Black female being portrayed this way...

And mind you, I can hear people saying, bruh, there's been several Marvel characters that have been turned from males into females—and Marvel's “Captain Marvel” is just one of 'em—moreover, there's gonna' be a movie dedicated to this superhero next year.

I get thatbut here's what's really goin' on—now, when you hear the word “iron”, what's the first thought that comes to mind? Well, what the average person thinks of is a metal, that's cold, inflexible, and incredibly hard—and that's what white fascists want people (men especially) to think about Black women.

Now, fast forward to 2018, and we see the same kind of stereotyping in Marvel's “Black Panther” movie. Meaning, in regards to the hyper-masculine, bald-headed, spear-carrying women of the “Dora Milaje” (DM), these Black females look like they'd rather be men, than be with one. And Black females were quick to praise these warrior-women, for their fierce independence and masterful pugilism. And what's even more subversive, is the corresponding comic book called the “World of Wakanda”, which is tailor-made for Black girls, while being rife with homosexual overtures.

Don't believe me?

Then feast your eyes on the World of Wakanda comic strip to the left (and you can click on this pic to see it better)now, in the first panel, we not only see a shorter-haired member of the DM, lovingly crook a finger beneath the chin of another DM warrior, but we see her saying that her “...dead self, is her best self”. And after the longer-haired, and more submissive female agrees, the masculine (butch) DM, calls the other “beloved”, before speaking on what the more feminine female got them (in this case, the “Midnight Angel prototypes”). And in the last frame, the masculine DM says, since we've adopted this cultural garb (the Midnight Angel attire), and the culture that goes with it, we ought to act as “dead women should”.

Mind you, this comic is for kids.

Now, this triptych is sending 3 distinct messages to the Black girls who read it. And they are... 

#1. Homosexuality is a natural state of being for Black women.

#2. Black women should be ready to die in defense of homosexuality.

#3. Black women should be ready to fight to the death when it comes to their gender-warring with Black men.

And to the Black men and women who consider buying this crap for their children, hopefully they'll understand that whitey knows he's selling a “death-style”, not a lifestyle, to our daughters.

Now, you might be saying, okay, we got how white men play a part in this, but how do white women and feminism factor into this equation? Welp, let's go in on that right quick...

First off, I'd be remiss if I didn't start off with this: A coupla' decades ago, in my teens, I was watching a PBS special featuring what looked like a middle-aged George Soros (and if you don't know who that is, google him). Anyways, he told a story of how he attended a party and got into a conversation with a Rockefeller. While conversing, the Rockefeller asked him, “What do you think about 'Women's Lib'?” To which the George Soros look-a-like responded, “Well, I think it's positive, equal pay for equal work...” Then the Rockefeller replied, “We funded 'Women's Lib'—and the reason we did was, we couldn't tax half the population, if they were staying at home and being housewives—we had to get women into the workforce to get at that revenue.”

Now, I've used the above anecdote several times throughout the life of this Blog, and while I'm still amazed at this story's evil ingenuity, I think what it shows most is how “feminism” has nothing to do with female empowerment. And I'll even do that sentiment one better, and say, not only doesn't feminism empower women, but white women especially, don't wanna' be more powerful than their men.

I can hear half of the people reading this saying—alright bruh, prove it...


By now, I'm positive everyone reading this is acutely aware of the “#MeToo” movement, and it's ouster of notable white men like Charlie Rose and Harvey Weinstein—welp, now there's a counter-movement that's been created by white women, called “#MeToo forgiveness”.

One member of this movement, is Jill Filipovic, a white female journalist working for “Time” magazine—and on February 26th, of this year, Jill wrote an article titled, “How to find room for forgiveness in the #MeToo movement”. One excerpt of this essay reads as follows: Some of these men have issued statements attempting to apologize and take responsibility. Weinstein checked into rehab, and reportedly was hoping for a second chance in Hollywood. And after the dust settles and these men spend a few months, or years out of the spotlight, some of them will undoubtedly attempt returns to their previous positions. Before they do, we must reckon with the questions of forgiveness, rehabilitation and redemption. Can these men be redeemed? And what does redemption—or just forgiveness—look like?

And the main tenet of this article can be summed up by one sentence in its mid-section, which says: Everyone deserves grace, and the chance to transform into a better version of a damaged old self.

Now, for those who can't read subtext, let me tell you what she's really saying...

white women understand their “privileges”, are directly linked to the machinations of white fascism...PERIOD. And who's the keeper of those machinations? You guessed it, the devil himself—Mr. Charley, or the good ole white man. The same guy feminists have sworn to defrock in their fight against the injustices of patriarchies all over the world.

So white woman are slowly neutralizing, or neutering, the deleterious dethroning of their men, in order to preserve their “status-quoed” spot, as the most physically desirable and exquisitely feminine women in the world.

Meaning, if you're a Black woman reading this, you should realize all the feminist rhetoric white woman throw at you is just talk—which we all know is cheap. So instead of listening to what they're saying, watch what they're doing (election of Donald Trump)—cause that'll tell you all you need to know.

Moving on...

Now, last Friday night, in Brooklyn, New York City, a fight broke out in a nail salon, over a $5 eyebrow wax. And if you're reading this blog, I suspect you've already seen this footage, as it's all over broadcast news. And, a coupla' days after the incident, the Black man who inspired me to write this blog, curated a video commentary about it.

Mind you, I knew the position this man would take, regarding this brawl—but I was hoping against hope, that he'd prove me wrong. So, I reluctantly watched the vid. And sure enough, he used this incident as another opportunity to verbalize why he doesn't like his own people.

Thus, I stopped watching the clip after the first few minutes.

Now, regarding this, there's 3 questions people keep asking that I wanna' address here, cause they speak to the heart of the conditioned self-hatred, the greater majority of Black people are stuck in—whether they know it or not. So without further ado, let's go in on these questions...

Question#1: Why would these Black women get into a fight over a $5 eyebrow wax?

Now, the Black man who inspired me to write this blog (and many of us), are of the opinion that these women should have just paid, left, and never returned to the salon. But, what they're not realizing is, this incident ended the way it did, according to local residents, not only due to the fact that these asians nearly waxed Christina Thomas' eyebrows off, but due to the Koreans reputation for the mistreatment of our people, and the hostile attitudes they kept displaying to every Black person who patronized their business, over the course of the last several years.

And mind you, the people who got violent first, were the Koreans.

So, am I saying that the Koreans attitudes towards us, justifies refusing to pay for the botched eyebrow wax?


What I'm saying is, if you as a Black man or woman think these sistas were being petty, why don't you ask yourself this question: knowing how many years these Koreans have been getting rich off our patronage, and giving us abysmal service in return, why couldn't they just tell these sistas to leave and not come back, if it was just over $5?

And mind you, if those sistas were latino, white, asian, or american indian, that's exactly how it woulda' went down.

But since asians like our money and hate us, they feel we're duty-bound to pay for their rotten service. So, they physically tried to stop these sistas from leaving the store—and that's when the fight broke out.

Question#2: How come those sistas didn't put up more of a fight?

Now, due to the negative stereotyping of Black women, everyone expected these sistas to beat the hell outta' those Koreans—and when they didn't, everyone was like, what gives? Mind you, Christina's only 21, and her grandmother, who was with her, was also assaulted by these Korean hooligans. Add to that, the fact that those Korean women outnumbered the sistas like 4 to 1.

Question#3: If the Koreans were treating Black women so poorly, why didn't the neighborhood's Black women, open up their own salon?

I think this might be the question that ends up getting asked the most—but I saved it for last, to expound on the broader issue of disunity among us. Now, the number one reason that sistas say they haven't done this already, is cause they feel this kinda' work is beneath them. Meaning, sistas are vocal about not wanting to work on or smell people's feet all day, on top of having to complete salon and spa treatments on them afterwards.

But, this leads me to say one thing about this incident, that you might not expect to hear—and that's this: I'm glad this salon brawl happened.

Mind you, I'm not saying I wanna' see sistas get hurt, but here's the hard truth, Black folks in general have been so conditioned to hate each other, that it takes an incident like this to get us to work together. Meaning, even if sistas feel this work is beneath them, maybe now they'll see why it's mandatory that we have our own salons that cater specifically to us. And if Black women find this work demeaning, maybe we can give the sistas who agree to take on these tasks, some extra compensation to make these positions more attractive.

Moreover, what no one's gonna' mention, is how asians, fair or dark-skinned, are approved for bank loans to open businesses at triple the rate of Black people, just cause they're asian. And how fair-skinned asians were literally given billions of dollars in reparations under Reagan's presidential administration, in the 80's. And I'll write a post on these bank loan disparities in the future.

Now, I'd also like to add that when it comes to asians, dark or fair-skinned, especially ones who weren't born in this country, there's 3 reasons why we should expect this kinda' extreme violence in any kind of confrontation with them—and they are...

Reason#1: The continent that leads in rates of world hunger is asia, not Africa.

Now, why's this important? Because we need to realize that at least half of asians, dark or fair-skinned, are living in abject poverty. Thus, they're gonna' comport themselves like savages. And this is the reason why those asians were so quick to get violent with those sistas in the nail salon. Contrary to the lies you've heard about asians, they're NOT the smartest people on the planet, and if they were, my question is: why are so many of you starving? And why do they represent the majority of the people on earth who are?

Moreover, this is the same reason you should under no circumstances, eat in their restaurants. Why? Cause asians, especially the ones who weren't born here, are so famine-stricken, they'll eat cats, dogs, rats, or whatever they can get their hands on—and because of how they feel about us, they won't think twice about serving that crap to you.

Now, you might be thinking, well, it makes sense that they represent the majority of the world's starving people, cause there's more of them on the planet than anyone else.


How's that wrong you ask? Cause there's stats to prove that asians don't represent three-fourths of the earth's population, cause we do. Meaning, the majority of the people in the world, look like us—and that's saying, whitey lied (again) when he said asians represent the majority of the people on earth. And at the end of this post, I'll leave a link to another editorial I wrote that proves this.

Reason#2: asians are jealous of Black americans.

Now, at this point you might be thinkin'—bruh, I was wit' you when you said asians lead in rates of hunger—but now you're just makin' stuff up to be mean-spirited.

And here's my answer to that: if asians are so much smarter than us, then why would they be doing (what we consider) menial tasks like manicuring and pedicuring our nails and feet?

At this point, you might be like, wait a minute bruh, asians build thriving businesses in our communities that send their kids to college—true. But think about this: if you were told your whole life, you're superior to a particular kind of people, would you wanna' come to america to service those very people's feet and hands, or cook their food?

Black americans are richer than the overwhelming majority of foreign asians—that's why they're washing our feet and hands, and not the other way around.

And, that's one of the reasons why those Korean women were so pissed at those sistas. Moreover, if asians are so much smarter than us, why don't they build a thriving economy in their native countries, so they don't have to come to our communities in america?

Understand, these dirt-poor asians come here with little or no skills, other than knowing how their families have worked in america for the last several years—which is performing servile jobs in the Black community. Like cooking our food, scrubbing our feet and hands, and laundering our cloths.

Reason#3: asians know they're not white.

At the end of the day, asians, especially the ones manicuring and pedicuring our feet and hands, are pissed at us cause they know they're not whiteand their serving us, especially in this manner, brings that fact home.

And let me reiterate, they may think they're “whiter” than us, but once they're on their hands and knees, cleaning and polishing the feet of Black people, trust me, they're more pissed off than they let oncause nothing proves how white they're not, like these kinds of humbling and humiliating tasks.

Moving on...

About a week ago, I watched a disturbing video featuring the motivational speaker and life coach, Dr. Venus Opal Reese. Now, Dr. Reese says she comes from the “mean streets” of Baltimore, Maryland, and she also talks about how at age 16, she lived amongst drug addicts, prostitutes, and alcoholics, while sleeping in alleys and eating out of garbage cans. That was until a 9th grade math teacher, who was a Black woman, intervened and got her off those streets.

And miraculously, Dr. Reese not only graduated from high school, but went on to graduate from Stanford university with a Masters degree and a PhD. And what she says is, from her tumultuous upbringing, she's crafted a monetary system that made her and her clients millionaires. So, kudos to her for that.

Now, Dr. Reese promotes a program centered around the “Black woman millionaire”, and her lectures are focused on this demographic—which is finebut when I saw a clip from one of her seminars, which I'll feature at the end of this post, I couldn't help but notice the hyper-masculine ways this woman comported herself throughout her speech. Moreover, the first part of her lecture focuses on the theme that, white men and Black women built the world. Meaning, she was expounding on why the union of Black women and white men, were responsible for all the world's inventions and creations—ya' know, the ones Black men and women really created. And basically, she was telling her audience, which was mainly comprised of Black women, that their goal should be to pair themselves up with a white guy.

Mind you, even though she's trippin', I felt that everyone's entitled to their opinion, no matter how dumb-founded it is. But there's another level of insipidness surrounding the good Dr. Venus—and that is—she's married to another Black woman. Yep, the good Dr. Venus is gay—and her “life-partner” is a woman named Lisa.

Now, question: if Dr. Venus is gay, then why would she extol the virtues of being with a white man to her female audience?

It's cause she suffers from the same sickness the overwhelming majority of our people do, and that ailment is anglophilia. Meaning, even though Dr. Venus is gay, she'd still dump her “wife”, for the right white man. That's how much america's white fascist social order, has perverted her thinking.

So, I've said all that to say this: regardless of what Steve Harvey says, you CAN NOT think like a man and act like a woman.


Moreover, to the Black women reading this, understand, whitey will seldom tell you the difference between a woman and a lady, cause he doesn't want Black women comporting themselves like ladies.

Meaning, whitey wants you to fully embrace white feminism and white fascism cause he's engineered these societal constructs to keep you in 3 perpetual states of being: well-paid, oversexed and alone.

And one mo' thing whitey will never tell you is this: In case no one's let you know, what attracts a man to any woman most, is her VULNERABILITY!

So, it doesn't matter what kinda' car you drive, what your educational background is, how much money ya' got, or how much of the Queen's english you speak, if you can't make yourself emotionally available to a man, he's got no reason to be with you.

Now, I can hear the Black female “swirlers” saying, look, I don't date Black men, so being emotionally available to them, is of no consequence to me. And that's what you may think—but here's the stone-cold truth: at least half of Black women who are used to being abrasive, condescending, and combative around Black men, can't turn their attitudes off, when they're around white and non-Black men.

And to the Black women reading this: PLEASE don't take my word for it. Cause trust me, every once in a while, you're gonna' spot a sista goin' off on some white, latino, or asian man, because that's how she's used to acting around us.

So, in conclusion, let me say that embracing white fascism and feminism is a DEATH-TRAP, engineered to keep you away from not only Black men, but from men PERIOD. So, if you enjoy the confines of manless misery, I'd say imbibe in and abide by the white fascist status quo. But if you want a good Black man to spend your life with, know that the only way you're gonna' get, or keep him, is with your innate Black femininity—not your embrace of white fascist feminism.


—MontUHURU Mimia


Here's the Dr. Venus Reese vid I promised to post earlier. Now, I want you to notice Dr. Venus' hypermasculine posturing, ala her swearing, chest-beating, and her bellowing (baritone) voice. And to the Black women reading this, please understand, that this is the kind of woman NO MAN wants to be with. 


And here's deleted clips from the movie “Black Panther”. Now, the one I want you to focus on is the third clip. What happens there is Okoye and W'kabi have a dispute over the defeat of King T'Challa. And after they argue, they wind up in a loving embrace. Now, notice how W'kabi is being stern with Okoye, but not abusive. And understand, why whitey couldn't have shown this scene—it's cause the clip says 3 things: 1. W'kabi is the man of the house and leader between them, 2. Okoye respects his role and defers to his opinion, and 3. they're a loving couple. You'll even see Ryan Coogler himself, say he wanted to include this scence, but his white fascist benefactors made him take it out. Now, there's other deleted scenes from Black Panther that come before and after this clip, and they're also well directedon top of that, there's a short documentary on the making of Marvel's Black Panther movie, embedded in this vidso feel free to enjoy that too. 



If you wanna' read the post I wrote about asians not being the majority of the people in the world, you can do that HERE.


If you'd like to see the first 2 posts of this series, you can do that HERE and HERE

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